Mancat Monday and an apologee to mom
I'm sorry dat I farted so close to yoor face mom, I couldn't help it...da jiggle in da bed made da gas come out! Hey, dat piksher is not furry flattering take it offa der Can I at least say it's a bad angle and my butts not dat big? Okay, it's a bad angle and my butts not dat big. (psst, his butt really is big)
Mom took dis piksher about 20 minutes ago, just as she was coming home! Dat's snow! Aaaack!
Mom was real happy cuz dad got rid of some junk. In fact da recycling bin is so full he couldn't fit any more in it so he put it atween da carts. Dem gray bins by da side of da garage are shelters fur stray kitties in da cold. Dad was cleaning dem up and putting new insulation in dem when it started snowing so he came in da house to get a cup of coffee. After dey is fixed up dey go on a stand dat dad bilt dat raises dem off da ground and also serves as a feeding station...racoons and opossums can't jump but kitties can so dat keeps da food fur dem. Da whole thing goes unner a shelter roof in back of da garage. When we first moved here der were about 10 of deze things out der fur da strays. One by one mom trapped dem, took dem to da shelter vet and gots dem fixed up and brawt dem back. Now dey put about 4 shelters out cuz naybors haf taken in most of da kitties and da shelters are only der in case somecat gets locked out of der house. Da beans on da other side of dat garage have a "kitty hotel" set up in der garage...dey even haf a kitty door cut into der side door on da garage!
Snow? Already? We just started to get a bit of relief from the hot! It is very nice that you have kitty shelters! Snow? Really?
Wow, yoo sure are nice to da homeless kitties. Dat's very nice. We like dat. purrs.
You guys sure got some great beans - taking such care of the homeless kitties!
Sorry about the snow - but if you guys got it that means it's on it's way to us - double drat!
We saw snow today too!
What you do for the homeless kitties - well, it makes my heart sing!
Smooches to your 'rents!
It's getting cold down here in Chicago, too. We were supposed to have snow showers today. I think that they passed us by.
I wonder if Beano helps cats?
SNOW! Yikes, that is scary - my Mum doesn't like snow.
You poofed in your Mum's face, ha, ha, ha.....that is funny.
That is very nice of your beans and their neighbours to put out kitty condo's for the kitties that don't have homes. My Mum says she has never seen a stray cat around our house, which we are both very thankfull for.
You guys are so wonderful, the way you care for those homeless kitties. Just swell!!!!
I thought we were bad.
Your beans are so nice! It is wonderful that your beans and neighbors have cared for and taken in the strays.
Hmmmm. If that happened Wed and you're just apologizing Mon, it must have been some week around there. Glad you're all straight now. Hehehe.
Sounds like you and your neighbors like to help cats.
fartin sure iz amyoozin!
snow???? wut da????
yer dad iz reelee werkin hard an dat makez yer mom happee ... an wen yer mom iz happee ... u can fart all u want!!!!
we had little snow flurries the morning!!! whoa.
it was your mommy's fault for juggling your belly. that's why you pooted at her. she's already evened the score by posting that picture of you in such a bad angle.
your beans and their neighbors are so nice to take such good care of those kitties. puuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrs
EXCELLENT on the kitty houses!!!
Snow?! Wow! We're lucky if we get that white stuff once a year and it's usually in February.
Great job on the kitty hotels!
Poor kittys, dey has to sleep out there in da cold? Ohhhh noooes! We is glad yer beans help dem and the neighbor beans too!
I sleep right next to my mom's face too but I don't think I ever did what you did to your mom!
It got colder here too but no snow. That's really nice of your mom and dad to put up shelters for kitties that need them!
Purrrrrrs, Willow
Daddy calls it a change in cabin pressure.
It's also windy here, getting cooler~
Snow??? OMG, poor kitties over there! Thankfully it didn't arrive to us yet!
Your beans are very nice helping those kitties!
Speedy, farts happen. Your Mom should be more understanding. Tell your Mom I said thank you for the Speedy butt picture and your butt is not big. It's cute :-p
awwww your beans is so nice to kitties!
oh and farting in faces is funny
Snow already!!
I got throwed in the snow once. I did not like it. I hope yoo git to keep all the snows thare becuz if it snows heer I will hide.
Thank you for visiting my blog and helping it get it unlocked. It was very nice to meet you!
Sam, The Maramalade Cat
Yikes about the snow! Looks like you might need those shelters sooner than expected. I wish we had a big recycling bin like your's. Our's is small and fills up too fast.
Wow your beans are super beans!!!
Snow already???? It's only October. You guys are in for a long winter!!!
Efurrycat's bum is just as big - I wouldn't worry! Mine is HUGE! That's why I wouldn't let SS take a pic of my tocks for Tockober.
I have an award for you! Come on by and pick it up...
You have some great beans!!
~The Creek Cats~
Mom said your place reminds her of where they moved from to live in the house we have now. Mom was the only one saving the kitties! Little kids would bring a kitten home from a friend, parents said no, so they just put the kitten outside to fend for itself instead of taking it back. When we were up to "8" it was time to build a room off the side of the house so the litterboxes and climbing posts and walks could be a place, just for them. At one time we had "12" but they were well fed, warm, loved and HAPPY. We put a kitty door next to the big door, so they could choose to be in their playroom or the rest of the house. Mommy said she is glad we bought our land way ahead of building our house because most of our past kitty family passed away before they moved. All but 2 are laid at rest here in a special garden. Your family is so nice to care for those outsiders!!!!!!!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Ha! We've had snow for almost month. And now we are getting subzero temperatures - but not all the time.
As it gets colder, you can light a match everytime that cat farts and the resultant flame will warm your house.
Unless the cat blows it up, of course.
Snow in October might frost out your mums. Just sayin'. That's cool that you guys are all taking care of the outdoor kitties and the cats who get stuck outside. This is good noos.
Luf, Us
Snow? 'Ack' is right!!
Z, S & S, thank you so much for thinking of our Callie. My mom is taking her to the vet early next week, so can you keep your paws crossed with me that it's nothing serious? I love her, even if she does whap me on the nose all the time!
LOL about the fart! That is so kind of your beans to provide shelter for the stray kitties. Snow! Man ...
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