Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tattletail Tuesday

Dis is not really a tattle, but, mom hurted her back again. She haf sciatica and lumbar stena-something or other. She can't sit fur long, she can't stand fur long so she haf been spending most of her time laying on a mat wif a tube thing unner her knees. We don't know how she did it, all we know is it is fun to walk across mom when she is laying on da floor. We haf been trying to get her to visit effuryone's blog while she is just laying around but she sez it starts to hurt to much and puts da lappy top thing down and goes back to laying flat. Dad's been eating a lot of frozen stuff cooked in da microwave cuz he does not cook and mom can't stand long enuff to make food. She did make fish fur him yesserday but den she could hardly walk at all. And we ended up eating about 1/4 of dad fish anyway. She is still cleaning out litter and feeding us but dat is all she is doing...no laundry, no cooking, no taking out garbage, no vacuuming-NOTHING. Poor dad, he hadda take out all da garbage and roll da cart down to da curb. She is going to see her doctor tomorrow and we sure hope he can fix it. She is not only hurting but getting really crabilated about stuff not getting done cuz even if dad does something he hasta come and ask her where stuff is and how to do it over and over again. She keeps telling him dis is why she just does stuff herself cuz it takes less energy to just do it herself den hafta keep telling him how to do it over and over not to mention trying to get him started in da first place. Well, dis post took mom over an hour to do, gess maybe we'll let her get back to laying on da floor whining about her helplessness.
UPDATE: Mom couldn't stand it anymore (dad either) so he called the clinic and sed it was an emerjencee and she just couldn't wait until tomoro. Well, daddy took her fur what she sed was da bumpiest ride she has effur had and she saw a difirint guy den her normal lady doctor and he sed "wow, yoo messed yoorself up purrty good" and since she don't gots inshurints he gave her a slip fur a half hour wif da mawsaje therapist no charge. Dis is da really nice guy dat she used to see on a regular basis...and he was concerned. So concerned he gave mom a full hour even tho she was only suppost to get 30 minits. He gave her a whole bunch of instructions...don't twist dis way, stay on da mat fur at least an hour out of every three, do not pick up anything over 5 pounds below waist level until all da pain is gone, sleep wif her "roll pillow" behind her knees...and da best one of all...try not to sit on da back of yoor backside. Mom sed "huh" and he sed fur her to either use a "kneeling chair" or lean forward so she doesn't put preshure on her spine. When she camed home she wasn't screaming in pain wif every step and she actually managed to go potty wifout dad helping her up (dis was weerd) she can sit down and stand up again! Yay fur da mawsaje therapist guy! We think we know why mom sez she loves him and dad isn't jellus.


Chesney Cats said...

We sure hope your Mom's doctor can fix her up quick! We'll be purring for her to feel better.

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Parker said...

Purrs to your Mommy, I hope she gets all better soon!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I think your mom did too much baking!!!!

Hope she feels better real soon!!

Purrs Goldie and Shade

Anonymous said...

Oh, that sounds very hurty! We understand why your Mom's a little crabilated. We sure hope she feels better quickly!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh no! Your poor mum. Our mum sez sciatica is horrible.We hope the human
V E T can help her feel better. Purrs and gentle (((hugs))) to her.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh oh oh noes!!!! we is purring furry hard for your mommy to feel better!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We all love ta walk on The Big Thing whenefer he is lyin down... Would ya belleef he actually ASKS us ta walk on his back? He seems ta like that lots.

ZOOLATRY said...

Special Notice to all Kattonic (cats and male beans): THE MOM is absolutely, pawsitively allowed to be as crabilated as she wants to be. Nothin' hurts much more than what she's got. Take it easy on her troops!

Purrageous Pirates said...

We hope your Mommy feels better soon. Healing purrs to her!!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh no poor Mommy!! You guys take good care of her and we hope she gets some help from her doctor! Purrrrs and ((((hugs)))) and healing vibes to her hurty back.
Your FL furiends,

Forty Paws said...

Well that totally sux. We sure do hope your Mom gets her back all better souper douper soon! Don't walk too hard on her when she is laying down. Ok?

Luf, Us

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

OMG...YOUR POOR MOMMY.. Boy can our mommy relate to back problems! You guys take good care of her and we hope she gets some help from her doctor! Please don't step on her!!!!!


LZ said...

Owwie!! The Woman has back issues too and has certainly been in a similar spot as your mom many times.


Jimmy Joe said...

Oh man, your poor Momma! She did too much work, it sounds like, and didn't follow Sadie's example: on rainy weekends, you should stay curled up all day. I think your daddy should be cleaning up your boxes so she can stay rested. I'm sending her lots of purrs and furs.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Kellykat said...

Wow! We thought you was just kidding about her being on the floor. This is terrible! You should all snuggle up next to her on different sides and make a kitty love cirlce. Just keep purring til she gets better.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

Tybalt said...

Oh your poor Mom! I am purring and purring for her!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh noes!!!!!! Purrs for your Mom!!!!!
We hope the Doc will get her vertical soon!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

The Island Cats said...

We hope your mom feels better real soon! And we bet your dad feels the same way 'cuz he has to cook his own food and (oh no!) take out the garbage himself!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey


Oh we feels reeely bad furr yur Momma...we will be purr'n fur her and hope her bean Vet can take care of all da pains she is in...

:::purr purr purr::::

Spooky said...

Oh, I hope your mom gets better soon. (We won't upset her by telling her how much fun we all had at my party this past weekend...thanks for coming!)

Nomi said...

Gif your mom lots of snuggles and purrs while shes poorly. I am purring here that her back will not hurty any more !

Anonymous said...

Purrs to your mom, we hopes she gets all fixedid by the doctor.

PB 'n J said...

We sure hope the doctor can fix her up! We'll be purring for her!

Team Tabby said...

What happened to your mom sounds awful. We are glad she got to the clinic and we hope she feels better soon.

purrs from us,
Mindy & Moe

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Willow and I hope that your Mom feels all better very quickly! We're sending over purrs and we're glad that she has her massage therapist guy to help her!

Purrrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

O, yours poor Mommie.
Many many healing purrs to her...
Love and Purrs,

Sweet Purrfections said...

Poor mommie!

My mom hurt her back in February when she was out of town. She called her mom crying because she was in so much pain. Thanks to pain pills, muscle relaxers, massage therapy and chiropractic care, she is doing better.

It's no fun when your back hurts, so Kattonic household, be patient with mom.

Motor Home Cats said...

Our Mom has sciatica too, and ended up having to have back surgery last year. She just puts the lap top in front of her to blog while she lays down on her stomach and still has to use it that way because she says after a day of sitting, all she wants to do it lay down. It is nice that your mom was able to get a massage. Mom had one earlier this year and it helped with some of her other tension pain. Please tell your mommy to take care of herself, and to accept your daddy's help graciously. He is at least trying to help.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Kaz's Cats said...

Guys, we're purring and purraying really hard for your Mom to get some relief from the pain, and for her back to get better so she can get around on her own. You kitties should keep snuggling as much as possible, 'cos kitty purrs help so much with healing.

purrs and hugs

Gypsy & Tasha

The Crew said...

Uh-oh, I think your Mom overdid it with the cleaning & baking & stuff. Take care of her Speedy dear...that's what you do best.

Our Mom has a hen...uh no...a worm...um, a hermiatud disk too and goes to the kirosnapper and gets shot in her back too!!



We juss came backs tooday to chek on yur Mommie and see how her backside wuz...we be purrin furr her..


Kellykat said...

Yay for the massage therapist!!
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

jenianddean said...

Glad you are feeling much better. There are a bunch of good chiropractors in Wisconsin who would be happy to help your Mom despite not having insurance, and some adjustments could really help with that sciatica. It can be so debilitating. Dad said to see if your Mom can put her feet and lower legs up on a chair while she's lying on the floor to take more pressure off her back. That may help. Hope she's doing better soon. ::Healing purrs::

We3Katz said...

R Mom getz that way tu...she uses lotz of hot and cold therapy to loosen it up and reduce da inflammation. She goz tu da chiropractor tu. Hope ur Mom feelz bedder soon!

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Oh wow!! your Mawmee is goin tru h e dubble toofpik... n she helpd you leve mesj bout da lion n da woofie!

You gots a furry goods mawmee dehr. we gonna purr furs her a lots now... Amen.

Psalm 91

Sweet Purrfections said...

I wanted to respond again because my previous post made it appear I was on bunches of meds. I was on a lot of medication for about 3 months, but I have been getting regular chiropractic adjustments along with massage therapy and I am doing so much better and NO MORE MEDS! There are some really good doctors out there, so don't give up.

Praline's mom, Paula

Anonymous said...

Your poor mom and dad.Hope she feels better soon.

MaoMao said...

Oh, goodness! We Ballicai are sorry to hear yur Momma's feelin so ouchy. We hope she feels better furry furry soon!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

Forty Paws said...

We're so very glad that the really nice mawsaje therapist dood helped yur Mom so much! Yay! We shur hopes she getz bedder all soon.

Luf, Us

Mr. Hendrix said...

your poor mommy! mine has back issues too so she sympathises. we'll send many healing purrs and thoughts her way.

PS have you ever tried using her mat for scratching? i love my mommy's...i don't think she likes my scratching it as much as i do...

Mickey's Musings said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is great news about your Mom!!! I am so happy she does not hurt too much. Those beans were very nice too!!! I bet she enjoyed that hour!!
Purrs Mickey

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We hope your mommy feels better very soon. We're sending purrs her way.

Lux said...

My mom sat up real straight in her chair as she was reading your update (she was sitting on the back of her backside)!

Well, we're a bit late here, but we're really glad your mom got to see the massage guy and that it helped a lot. I hope she continues to feel better - lots of purrs coming her way!

Unknown said...

Oh NO! I am so sorry to hear about your Mum's back. My Mum says sore backs are the worst because they affect every part of you.

I hope she feels better soon. Be nice to her: )

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Ow! Ow! Ow! My OTW hurts just thinking about it! I feel bad for you mom, but my OTW deserves it!

Thank you for your commiseration and birthday wishes. Wanna help trash the house? My People are going away AGAIN in a couple weeks, maybe even twice and we're having a GRAND House-Trashin' Party!


Anonymous said...

I hope your Mom's back continues to improve, back pain is miserable. I shall send some rumbly purrs to help her feel better.