Sunday, September 14, 2008

Godspeed Angel Pixie

Daisy's sweet sisfur Pixie has gone ahead to the Bridge. We won't say goodbye, just see you later and today we will all have some banana in your honor. We're glad to know you'll be healthy and happy there and not have to take all dem medisins anymore. Hugs and purrs to Daisy and her mom and dad, we're sure there is a Pixie shaped hole in der hearts.


Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

We are so sad to hear about Pixie too... we'll have some bananers too.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Hearing about Pixie was a very sad moment for us this morning.

Anonymous said...

I knowz Miss Daisy said that Pixie would not want us to be sad and we is trying not to be. Well we isn't for her, we is sad for her families and you said it perfectly, their Pixie shaped hole... :))

Daisy said...

Thank you so much for your sweet post for Pixie. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated during this sad time.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We agree about the Pixie size hole in her family's hearts.

You stopped by earlier and said good-bye. We have some news.