Saturday, September 20, 2008

Come Saturday Morning...

Woohoo, we is at da cabin! The SiL called and sed dat da men were going to come by and install da new furnace and dat somebody should be der we are! We love dis place. Da only prollem, mom furgotted da camera. Sometimes her mind wanders and leaves her behind.
Yesserday, when we was doing meow like a pirate, I din't look close enuff at da flag my sisfurs had mom put up and when I saw Misty's comment I looked at it and it sed "THIS PROPERTY PROTECTED BY PIRATE GIRLS" I told dem dey should change it to just PIRATES but der are two of dem (and Zippy was really cranky) and only one of me so dey won.


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Our OTW's mind wanders too. But today? Today, she took leave of her senses!!!!

I think need a cabin to go to!

~Jack (the sulky)

Sunny's Mommy said...

I do not think it's fair that you were excluded from the pirate flag, Speedy.

I hope all of you have a great weekend at the cabin :-D It sounds like a wonderful place!

TabbyNormal said...

Humans and their brains are so silly, not like us cats at all. Everything we do is serious and important!

Hope you have a great time! Next time she will remember her camera so she can properly document all of your important activities.

Abby & Stygia

Mickey's Musings said...

Have fun at the cabin!!!
Speedy,it's OK for the girl pirates to protect the property!!! You can protect the plundered goods ;)!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Us4 Cats said...

Oh I hear ya buddy, I hear ya. I am the only Mcat in my crew of four.

Sir Stripes
-wlk crew

Monty Q. Kat said...

I'm here for you dude. I feel your pain!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Have fun at the cabin.
Phewww, glad we haven't got sisfurrs.

Daisy said...

Have a wonderful time at the cabin!

The Island Cats said...

Hey, we think it's kool that you get to go to the cabin! We wish we had a cabin to go to! Hope you have a good time!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Isis said...

What is the cabin?! It sounds like a small area with a lot of kitties! Sounds fun!

Fat Eric said...

Have fun at the cabin! Want me to teleport over so that you aren't outnumbered by the girls, Speedy?

Anonymous said...

Oh, fun at the cabin sounds... fun!

Purrageous Pirates said...

Aye, me matey! We were most pleased when you joined us for Meow Like a Pirate Day. A valuable crew member you made!! Please swing by our bloggie when you get the time and collect your Black Furrball Crew Member badge!! ME’ARRRR!!!!!

Lux said...

Have lots of fun at the cabin and in your kitty run!

Mr. Echo said...

The cabin sounds verry nice!

Thanks for purrin with us when Mommy wuz in the hosspittul. She is home and feelin bedder but we still haff a ways to go yet. Me and Tenny are giving her extra doses of Vitamin P. (P for Purr) Thanks again furrends!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i wish i hadda cabin to go to!
hav sum fun.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

A cabin sounds very cozy! Have a great time!!

Purrs Goldie and Shade

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I hope you have lots of fun at the cabin.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Eh, no gettin aroun the girlcats when they decide on somethin!


Tuxedo Gang said...

Happy 3rd Birthday Speedy and we also wanted to Let you know that you are also Today's Featured Tuxie Post!
It's a new feature we started at the TGH! Thanks for being a Member!
Samantha & The Gang

Mr. Tigger in Cat-Lands said...

Happy Belated 3rd Birthday Speedy from all of us at the M-Cats Club!
Come om over for a drink and a Birthday Dinner!
Hi 5 paw,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from me and Mom! £ sounds quite grown up - I'z only 20 weeks old.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Less work for you, Speedy, if you let the girls do it. hehehe
Happy purrthday from all of us, dude. Pop by the M-Cats club for a niptini on me later.
your bud Pepi

The Crew said...

Hey Speedy, happy purrthday! (many high fives slapped) Meet us over at The Club before Misty's visit and we'll buy you lunch.

George & Max

Daisy said...

ps: Happy birthday Speedy!

jenianddean said...

Have fun in the cabin!