Wednesday, June 11, 2008
What's up Wednesday
It rained...and rained and rained and rained...but, we stayed dry. We laffed at mom cuz she camed home Saturday and just as she was pulling out of da store parking lot it started raining, hard. She came home and sat in her car in the driveway fur almost an hour until the rain slowed down enuff fur her to come in da house! Below is a Google Earth image of our house (da one da arrow is pointing to) you can't really tell from da piksher but right before you get to da curve da road rises into a little hill and after da curve it goes back down so we is on a hill. Our street did turn into lakes at both ends and da slope part of our yard behind our houses became a small river!
Oh, and mom only went to an hour a day fur four days as she took some advanced "One Stroke" painting classes. Sadie just likes to be dramatical. We din't haf da peesee or lappy top on a lot cuz of da weather...it was crazy wif rain and lightning and tornado warnings and stuff. Yesterday was nice so mom and dad went out and cleaned up some messes in our yard and helped some naybors wif picking up stuff dat blew into and fell down in der yards. Oh, Jeff had his re-test on Monday and he's fine and healthy again so he can stop taking dat icky medi-sin dat made his tummy hurt and his, um poop come out like water. What else...oh, Germaine came over to let mom and dad know dat dey is selling der house and moving to a condo! Mom is upset cuz her and Germaine is like bestest frends and dis also means dat Oliver will be moving! Mom actually started crying and dat made Germaine cry and bof da manbeans rolled their eyes...but really, dad isn't happy about it either cuz who is dey gonna BBQ and drink adult beverages wif now? I mean, we don't know who will be buying der house and it could be someone who hates kitties or has mean sticky beans or something! Dey won't see dem beans until after da offer is aksepted! Three months, dey move into der condo in three months! Dat's all I gots...it's kinda boring around here. Maybe I can talk Sadie into making a run for it when mom opens the back door. That is always entertaining. And now that the weather is being better we can actually leave the puters on long enuff fur us to visit our frends. Stupid rain.

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I think that must be your house?!
Thanks for purring for my dad - he came home last night after his surgery and I think that he feels better because of all the purrs!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
Oh, don't run outside. What if it rains again! We are wishing you beautiful weather.
Oah Dear!
Sounds very horrible rain storm....
I really hard to imagine how bad that your mommy got home, must be truly tired and swimming in the water....
We are so glad you are all doing well! Please send some of your rain our way! We need it! Glad it's let! We have missed you! We hope you get some great new neighbors! Have a wonderful rain free day!
Your FL furiends,
Scary weather! We are glad you are okay! That's great news about Jeff! :)
It's been raining here too - but we don't mind as it warms it up a bit. :)
we is glad you didn't get washed away!
Thanks for sending your rain here. Boy oh boy did we need it! We didn't really like the noise and light show that came with it, but it made mom happy because she didn't have to water the grass or her pretty flowers.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Sorry that your mom's bestest friend is moving. That's sad....
Wowee. That was a lot of rain that you guys got! Sorry to hear that the bestest furriend is leaving. That totally sucks.
Luf, Us
Oh Speedy dear, if you're upset come over right away and bring Sadie & Zippy. We'll rest and watch birdies until it starts raining again.
We are glad that Jeff is well! YEAH. But stay dry in all of that! YUCK. Our fur is not made for those kinds of downpours!
DP blogger juss ate our comments...grrrrr
we is sorry yoo has been havin bad weefver...we is glad yoo is all OK...
We is sorry yur neeybor beans will be movin, dat is sad furr yur Mombean.
We is glad to hear bout Cuzzin Jeff. YAY way to go Jeff.
That is just *too much rain! Let the sun come out, I say!
Wow - lake front property! Did your Mom and Dad go swimming?!
I think you are supposed to sing a song like this:
"Rain, rain, go away. Come again some other day!"
YEA about JEFF!!!!!
It sounds like your Mum and Dad have been very busy!
I hope the rain leaves you alone or your Mum might have to live in the car if she goes out again.
Rain, rain come THIS way! Our swamp is nearly shriveled up. We sure could use some. The weather is wierd lately, isn't it?
I am very happy you are all OK!!
Storms are not fun at all!!
It is also sad your folks' friends are moving :(
I'll purr for better times for you guys!!
Purrs Mickey
I'm glad you're all OK and dry. Storms are stinky.
I'm sorry your beans friends are moving. Mommy and daddy are going thru that right now and are sad. We will hope that you will get nice kitty loving neighbors too,
KC said...
You had lots of noos.
Pleeze don't run away. We'd miss you. So glad to hear about yours couzin Jeff. Yay!
Purrs, KC
Gosh I do hope you get a super duper cool new neighbor...I am so sorry the mommy beans friend is moving. Bummer.
So glad you all stayed safe during the rain and helped the other folks out. That was nice of your beans.
Stay safe and have a peaceful week.
Love Miss Peach
We aren't happy with the weather lately either!
We are sorry that your friends are moving!
Hopefully the worst of the rain is over!
Wow, dat must've been some awful rain! Hope dat your new neighbor is super cool, too.
That is way too much rain! I'm glad you're all okay :-) It is kind of funny your Mom sat in the car for an hour waving at you :-p I'm sure she didn't think so though.
goodbye my friends...i just read your comment on the CB...what a beautiful thing to do...and I will send the kitty my bestest purrs tonight before I leave tomorrow...
thank you for being wonderful
Oh wowie, it sounds like you gotted a lot of rain! I'm glad you stayed dry. And I hope you get a good new naybor!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Gee whiz..all you got? Kinda boring-You've got lots o' drama! I'm sorry your beans are losing their bestest friends..but now they have somebody's house to be invited over to..that's good, isn't it? And then they can bring home treats and presents from the other beans house 'cause I KNOW they'll miss you guys!
Thanks for comin' to visit me while my mom was gone!
Oh my, I'm sorry to hear your Mom and Dad's friends are moving. And I hope you get nice new neighbors!
I'm very glad you stayed dry. Sounds like a lot of rain!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
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