Mancat Monday

I was playing "chase the ball down the stairs" which is a really fun game where dad throws my sponge ball against the back door and it bounces down the stairs and I chase it and bring it back to him to throw again. Since it's been snowing everyday here dad (and mom) have been keeping der boots by da back door and dad, well, he snapped kinda a wild throw and da ball landed in his boot. Did he come help me? No, he sat der and laffed at me and took pikshers while I tried to get my ball outta his smelly boot! Is dat any way to treat a mancat...
Ooohh! But was it fun getting your toy out? I play with straws. ANd I play thundering herd of elelphants with Pye.
I'm hatching up a plan to play hunt the Trixie and jump on her... but it might take me a very long time to plan it.
Poor Speedy, that looks like kind of a smelly game!
That sounds like a fun game, Speedy! Too bad the ball ended up in the boot and you had to brave the smell to try and get it again.
Ooh, we hope the boot doesn't smell like a poot. Or a foot.
Thank you for coming to our Birthday Party, it was lovely to see you there :)
That is incredibly brave of you to smell your human's boot like that...especially when you consider how sensitive our noses are :)
Speedy dear, I'll come over right away. Even though I'm small, I have very long legs so I'm sure between the 2 of us, we can get your ball.
My Bean refers to that as problem solving. I do not like her problem solving exersises.
Oh no! How could they tweat you wike that!
don't pass out!!!
I thought you were trying to asphyxiate yourself, Speedy!
Hold your nose! That's what my mom does when she has to go into our poop room!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
I don't like The Man's smelly boots either ... it was very ManCat of you to go after your ball in there...
But the Investor's shoes? Hmmm. Something about those .... smell good.
That 2nd pic... are you sure you don't like those funky smells? heehee
Purrs Mickey
That's soooo mean, but you do look kinda cute with your head in there!
Speedy was you unconscious after all that breathing in of the foot smells?
Oh Speedy, you are very brave to stick your whole head in that stinky boot!
Bad!!! Not nice!!! The least thing he could do is get the ball out of there for you!
You proved your mancatliness for doing that!
Well... did you get it out?
But Speedy, smelly shoes are SOOO great!
Hehehehehe! You should have left a furry little present in there fer him!
Speedy now that is dedication!
Oh Speedy, that's not very helpful of your Dad - especially the laughing. You, on the other paw, deserve a treat for diving into that boot to get your ball.
Gypsy & Tasha
That sounds like a fun game. We're sorry your ball got stuck in the boot. Did you eventually get it out? We think our beans would have stopped to snap pictures too.
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