Saturday, February 9, 2008

Brrrr on Caturday

Oh for the love of...we got almost 20 inches of snow. It snowed for 30 hours straight. We are getting another 2 to 4 inches Friday - Saturday. That is not the bad part, mom and dad got us all dug out and even 6 inches is nothing after that. No, the snow isn't the bad part, it's the freeking temperature going down below zero saturday night and the high winds we're expecting! Oh, another thing dat makes mom crazy...when they say "snow, with higher accumulations near the lake" or "lake effect snow" it seems dat we live close to da lake, but, when dey say "cooler near the lake" it ends up being 98F (37C) here and we have no breeze to speak of. If yoo don't hear from us fur awhile it's because dad made good on his threat to just pack up a case of food, a couple of litter boxes, da beans suitcases and us and drive south until he hits "warm" and not come back til winter is over. Mom was soooo all over dat one. only in our dreams


snowforest said...

That's a lot of snow ~ we never get any snow where we live ~ lots of sunshine instead. Best of luck with the weather!
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)

Daisy said...

You can come visit us! We get lots of sunshines and temperature still in the 80s!

Samantha & Mom said...

We are warm, too!! Visitors welcome!!
Brrrrrrrr!! Mom just shivers thinking about it!!
Your FL furiends,

Parker said...

Hey guys - if you do that, stop and pick me up in O Hi O, OK? Please?

Artsy Catsy said...

Same as Parker, we're all packed and ready for you to pick us up in Indiana!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

OH dear, it sounds like you are getting as much snow as the Big Piney Woods cats. OF course, theirs might be starting to melt with the rain. I hope they don't get avalanches though.

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

Holy cow that is a lot of snow! We hope you guys are keeping very warm.

Just Ducky said...

HAHAHA, can you pick me and mum up?

Mum had some human furiends who did that once. They said they would drive until they got to 80 degress or their feet got wet. They ended up in Key West Florida!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I also hope the weather could be warmer!!!!!
Stay warm, my great friends!!

SophieKitty said...

Mommie and I would love to come with you. We will give you gas money!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We hadda serios snow once anna The Big Thing shoveled a path fer us onna deck. That was cool. But we were glad when it was all gone...

Ingrid said...

Do you have a little place for a woman with 5 cats ??? We also need a warm place !

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That sounds like nasty weather! Stay safe and warm. Feel free to come to Munich, it's nice here, neither too hot nor too cold.

Anonymous said...

Brrr. That's too cold for our paws! Be very careful & stay warm!

Unknown said...

we are sposed to tell you that the storm last week was sposed to dump 8-9" on us. It didn't so it musta saved it all for WI.

its cold here too. the sun is shining but it's 0* with nasty cold windychills.

Unknown said...

That warm place in da pickture looks nice. Can we hang out there with ya?

Sunny's Mommy said...

I think your Dad has a good idea ;-)

MaoMao said...

Holy Moly Mackaroni -- 20 inches of snow?!?!? That's a WHOLE LOTTA white stuffies!!! Stay warm and snug!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

The Cat Realm said...

I don't think we like Wisconsin! Not to rub it in - but it was 75 here today..... Teleport over!
We keep our paws crossed that it will get warmer in Wisconsin soon too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, twenty inches of snow... that is a tremendous amount of snow! I'd say you kitties are definitely ready for Spring!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Brrrrrrrrrrr! Come to me, quick! It's sunny and mild in Sydney. We do get some summer rain and we need it but it's NOTHING like the yukky winter weather that you get there!

Lux said...

Yikes! Maybe you can teleport over here - we got to over 70 degrees today, although the evening's turning cooler ...

Your dream place looks very beautiful!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Yous can come and visit. There's not a lot of snowbirds here yet, so there's still plenty of room!