And once again, more snow...
Here are some pikshers from yesterday, first da weather beans said dat it was appose to stop snowing at 6, den dey said 8, den dey said 10...yoo get da piksher!
Dis is Mrs. T's house, daddy took dis in da afternoon from da side window, he din't wanna go outside. Her gas meter is nearly buried and dem windows is about 6 feet off da ground. By da way, Mrs. T is home now but has a bad cold. She has home health aids and her grandson bean is der when he is not in classes. Her dawter, L, is still on mom's sh&t list.
Dat is mom's car! It's really buried and it's a darn good thing dat we don't need to go anywhere in it. If yoo go east it's not as bad, but we don't live on da east side...Uncle Gil called mom on his lunch from work up in da north woods and da sun was shining der! Dat is so not fair...oh and our innernet went out fur a little while so we din't get to visit alot and mom and dad will prolly hafta spend hours and hours cleaning up all dis snow so we won't get to visit until later *sigh* we is so tired of dis weather.
Brrr... you kittens need to stay inside! You would get lost if you tried to go out in that crazy snow.
Stay warm!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Wow, that is a lot of snow. Make sure you keep your beans inside so they stay warm and keep you warm.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Wowww.....I can sense it's really cold there.
Please stay in warm and save!
Yup, we feel your pain! We've had snow, then ice, then snow, then floods and now it's snowing. This has just been the last 6 days...
We hate winter too!
Oh my! That's a lot of snow! We hope you and your humans stay safe and warm!
Purrhaps you Wisconsin kitties need to move to The Deep South. We have no snow, and we are really happy about that. The pictures look so depressing. Brrr.
Mom used to live in New England and she says it's very picturesque, but she'd never live there again!
It's a good thing the car is buried so that your humans can't go anyplace. All that snow is really unsafe. Cars are really unsafe to start with. Keep warm and snuggle lots!
stay warm and safe!!!
Oh man, buddies, you sure are getting lots of snow. We haven't had too much snow so far here. It's raining a lot, though. Stay on the blankets and better ask for extra stinky goodness to ward off the cold.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I am glad you don't need to go anywhere right now. We are having a big wind and rainstorm here but just a few miles up it is a blizzard.
You poor kitties . . . stay warm and snuggled!
Stay warm and cozy inside! That looks like good snuggling weather.
Oh my, that is ALOT of snow. I feel ashamed for whining since we only have about 4 inches of snow. Stay inside and keep your beans warm!
Brrrrrrrrrr - Gung Hay Fat Choy!
O man, I can't believe that car is absolutely buried! So much snow!
I hope it warms up soon,
Boy that's a lot of snow. Your beans must really be sick of it.
Boy oh boy is that a lot of snow - we thought we had a lot! Keep warm!
We totally agree 'bout this snowy weather - spring is comin' soon, right?!?!
Stay warm & safe efurrybuddy!
Wowie kazowie -- that's a LOTTA snow! We haven't had a lot of snow -- stay nice and snug, effurybodies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh my gosh!!! That is ridiculous. We still haven't had any snow here in NJ this year. Stay snuggly!
That is a lot of snow. I like snow, but there is such a thing as getting too much of it. We only got about 12 inches, which is just right for me.
Holy Molee! Iz you evfur gonna comez out from dat snow???? I iz gettin' a itty bitty worried.
That does not look like fun at all! And its feeling like spring here...maybe we aren't living parallel lives after all...
Oooohhhh...stay on the inside and keep your feets warm and toasty, 'kay?
We just wanted to say "thanks" for all the nice comments you have leaved on our Blog. Felix is home now but not feelin' so good. We is all lovin' on him LOTS. If you have a spare minute, please say another prayer for him, 'kay?
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Looks like winter is here to stay, too bad. I think that the groundhog thingie saw his shadow and went back to sleep or that means six more weeks of winter. Burrrrrrrrr
Yucky white stuff!! We hope it ends soon and the grass comes out again.
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