Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wacky Wednesday and a meme

That handsome mancat Donny, Maries twin brofur, tagged me, Zippy, fur a meme! So, here goes...

~Post a link to the kitty who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
~List your real name, how you got your real name, nicknames you like/tolerate, and nicknames you wish your humans would stop calling you.
~Tag several kitties, and write a comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged

My real name is Princess Zipporah (pronounced zip-or-ahhh) but effury one calls me Zippy!
The nicknames I like are: Pretty pretty princess, little dolly, purrty gerl, zipadoo, sweet pea, baby doll, doll face and when dad calls me "Buddy".
The one's I don't really like but don't hate either: Zipperoid (mom sez dis when she thinks I'm being a pain in da butt) brat cat, crankmeister, crabby cakes...der are some dat haf bad words in dem dat I'm not gonna repeat!
I will hafta tag kitties later cuz Sadie wants to get on here and if I don't let her mom will call me one of da names wif da bad words in dem and besides, I gotta check and see who din't get tagged yet.

We din't get to do da Tattletail Tuesday so I'm gonna do some tattling on some wacky things dat happened around here. Ahem, Speedy fell off da back of dad's chair. For no reason except he's a clutz.
Mom and dad went wif da nefew when he gots an oil change cuz dad has a card dat gets discounted oil changes and he hasta sign fur it. Dey went to a sandwich place to eat and when dey came out mom had da car keys in her hand, not da nefews, hers, and when she went to throw her drink cup away she dropped da keys in da dumpster so she hadda go dumpster diving to get them back!
Dad thawt he was being funny and hid around da corner of da house when mom was clearing snow and jumped out at mom - and she wacked him wif da shovel! Knocked him down and broke da was plastic but dad has a bruze on his arm and one on his butt - hehehe
Da grandson bean was here so his parents could take da baby bean to a doctors appointment (routine maintenance) and he dropped a half a stick of "Cracker Barrel White Cheddar Cheese Stick" and Zippy scarfed it like she hadn't eaten in a week! Den went in da big bed and frowed up all over.
I was perfect...well, Speedy sez to be honest so...I fell asleep in da laundry tub while da washer was running and when it emptied I got soaked in soapy water. And if dat wasn't bad enuff, mom hadda stick me in da rain room and rinse it off! I gots wetted TWICE! Take a hint from me, Sadie, yoo don't wanna sleep in da laundry tub, EVER!


jenianddean said...

Holy moly! That's a lot of adventures going on in one house! I love all your "good" nicknames.

Thanks for sharing!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, lots going on at your place! Falling asleep in the laundry tub doesn't sound good at all! Our weekly baths are bad enough.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think you have great time adventure~!!!! So so interesting~!

Kaz's Cats said...

Zippy, nice meme - we like the nicknames that you like - as for the other ones, well 'nuf said.

Sadie, nice tattling - it never seems to get boring around your place - if it's not your Mom and Dad acting up, it's somecat 'falling' off a chair (must have been deliberate 'cos no-cat could be a klutz, could they?) or getting washed when the washing gets done (you might be able to sue your humans for failing to pay due care and attention when starting the washing).


Gypsy & Tasha


Oh Sadie...poor Sadie...yu guys half had a lot goin on round yur howze! carefull Sadie...


Sunny's Mommy said...

Thanks for the not quite tattle tailing, Sadie. There's a lot going on in your family.

It's nice to be kept up to date. Especially on important things like your Mom dumpster diving :-D

Unknown said...

There sure is a lot of qwaazy stuff goin' on around your house. Sounds like fun.

Tybalt said...

Zippy, I love your nicknames! The "good" ones, anyway. Very befitting to a princess.

Sadie, there is a lot going on at your house, huh? Look at all the strange stuff your parents do . . . dumpster diving and whapping at each other with shovels. I'm sorry you got all soaked . . . TWICE! Now I know that I don't want to go anywhere near a laundry tub.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope your human wasn't hurt when he was whacked with the shovel!

The Furry Kids said...

I wouldn't like to be called Zipperoid either.

Your mom whacking your dad with a snow shovel sounds like something that would happen at our house. hee hee Momma doesn't like to be startled. Hahahahahaha!


Parker said...

I think I'd always be laughing if I lived with you guys - whacked with a shovel, falling off of things and dumpster diving!
AND Sadie, um, wow...that must have been AWFUL - soapy and wet, 2 ways we cats NEVER want to be!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I do not sleep in sinks. Too easy to get wetted that way. You've been having lots of adventures at your house.

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dang...there sure is a lotta 'citement goin' on in your house! It's just so dramatical!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang

Daisy said...

Your house is zany! I think the part about your mom hitting your dad with the shovel is very funny. At least she knows she can take care of herself! And I think your dad learned a valuable lesson. Do not buy any metal shovels.

Anonymous said...

Zippy you are so furry pretty and it was interesting to know all your nicknames.

Sorry your dad's arm got a bruise, but he should be careful when he surprises someone.

PB 'n J said...

You guys really did have a wacky day! But it made Mommy laugh :-)

Anonymous said...

Daisy is right, no metal shovels is probably a good rule for your house.

We do not like sick ups. Blech.

Jimmy Joe said...

Your house is crazy, Sadie! Your stories made us laff and laff.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hehe that wuz funny. You haf lots of funny avenchurs at your house.

MaoMao said...

Wowie kazowie! hehe, there's nefur a dull moment at yur housie! And yur nickynames are really cute, Zippy!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

Anonymous said...

EEK! You got wet? Horrors! I cannot bear for a single drop of water to touch my fur.

MaoMao, on the other hand, plays in the sink!

I enjoyed your nickname meme, Zippy!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Halloween said...

Cheese on the floor? Good job Zippy! Sadie, thank you for warning me about the tub because I never, ever want a single drop of water to fall on me - EVER. I will be extra careful. Sounds like your mom and dad are having lots of fun together.


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Sadie, did you scream Crappity-crap-crap-crap

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

There is a whole lot of wacky going on at your place right now! I threw up a few days ago too... but it wasn't from cheese. It was just from eating my stinky goodness waaay to quickly. I managed to hurl outside, though, so Kate didn't call me any bad names.

Milton said...

That is a lot of stuffs goin' on at your house. I need a nap just reading it.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Zipporah is such a coooooool name! I'm so glad you did da meme, I think my fave nickname of yours is "zipadoo". :)


Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

Thanks for sharing about your name, Zippy! Princess Zipporah sounds like a very unique and interesting name!

We're sorry you fell asleep in the washing tub. That doesn't sound like much fun at all, but maybe you smelled good afterwards?

Samantha & Mom said...

ZS&S you always make us laugh! Even if we are having a bad day!! We have an Award for you. Come on by our Blog and pick it up!
Your FL furiends,

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Dropped cheese? Oh yeah.......

Anonymous said...

Princess Zipporah sounds very Royal, Zippy!! I think you have a funny household -- mom knocks dad down with the snow shovel and Sadie got WET twice in one day... hahahahaha

Millie said...

I tagged you for a meme! Come to my blog to find out more!