Hi, it's me, Speedy. I hafta tell ya, I kinda miss dat Mary cat. She was nice. Mom went over to the address da poleesman next door gave her and der was no one der so she left a note. When she got home someone had already called...and were here! The beans came home and got mom's messages off da machine and called and dad told them where we were and dey came right over. Dey were so happy to see her safe and sound da lady started crying. Da pet sitter was so distrawt she was crying, mom was so glad Mary's beans came fur her she...well, yoo get da piksher. Dey were getting ready to make "lost cat" posters and put dem up. Da man bean offered to pay mom fur da food Mary ate and da litter she used but mom said "don't be silly, we were glad to take care of her" and den she offered dem some coffee and dey all sat down and talked about stoopid stuff like da panic when dey found out she was missing and how she is not da one dat usually tries to sneak out (dat would be der silly woofie)....da only thing dey din't talk about was when she gets to visit me or when I get to visit her! I did get to give her a nice headbutt afore she left. In addition to da woofie brofur she lives wif her mom cat and two sisfurs and a brofur all from da same litter dat was born under da porch at der old house. Dey just moved here last summer so dey were worried she wouldn't be able to find her way home. Turns out da pet sitter came to clean litter boxes, feed and give dem all fresh water VERY early Krissmouse morning and when she went to take da woofie out to do his bizness she snuck out and when da sitter got back and she wasn't der she called Mary's beans right away. Then, when she hadn't returned by the afternoon they started panicing and the next day they drove straight home to start the search. You know what's really funny, we can see their house from our gest room window!
Zippy, Sadie and Speedy~!
Happy New year~!
I wish you have a wonderful new year's eve big meal~! And your 2008 will be happy and healthy!!!
Hope your beans could have great fortune at 2008 :>
We can imagine how worried Mary's humans must have been! The poor pet sitter must have felt awful! I'm glad that everything worked out in the end!
Happy New Year to all of you and your family! :)
It makes Mommy's tummy hurt to think of one of us getting out like that. But what a happy ending! You have some wonderful beans!
Happy New Year!
I am glad everything turned out okay for Mary. It's good that she didn't go far, if she's not really an outside kitty.
Oh what a grate thing for Mary and her beans! Maybe yoo'll get to bisit her sometime Speedy or yoo can at least emale.
Happy Noo Yeer!!!
Alla Us Hotties
Your mom is wonderful to help little Mary find her people. I'll bet you will get to see her again sometime since you live close but don't try to take your own trip over there. Make sure your people accompany you if you go and visit.
I yam so happy dat your momee tooks good care of Mary & dat her beanz gotted her back. Poor MAry mustee haz been furrry scared!
Happy New Yearz to you all!!!!! Come & partee when you can!!!!!
Love, Dr Tweety
Obviously Mary is a very special kitty for you and her family to love her so much. What a happy ending for the end of the year!
oh wow, what a wonderful end to Mary's story! Back home wif her beans who love her. Speedy, sorry that a bisitashun schedule was not set up - you'll haf to werk on your mom for that.
Happy new year! see you later at Tweety's party
I am so happy that Mary's adventure had a happy ending. It looks like you made a new friend too.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
I am so glad that the story about Mary had a happy ending. It made me feel warm inside. I hope you get to see her again sometime.
Happy New Year!
We are glad that everything worked out with Mary - you need to talk to your beans about visitation rights so you can see your Mary again.
As for the Rose Parade, when Mom was there, she said she was too cold to smell anything, except the hot cocoa she was drinking. But she says that the barns where they are made smell incredible, and after the parade, they park them in one area and people can go there to see them up close and that smells good too.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Oh I am happy that Mary got back with her folks :) I know you miss her,but her family missed her too.
You were so good to take her in:)
See you at da party!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Happy New Year to my darling Speedy and his sisters & family.
We're so glad poor Mary is back with her family, safe & sound. Hopefully that pet sitter learned a valuable lesson!
Happy New Year, Zippy, Sadie and Speedy and all your family! We are so glad Mary got found by you and got back home safe and sound! I don't know about Tybalt. His family was going to out of town for the holidays! But he said he'd try! Oh my, he is so kind and considerate!
Glad your visitor is safely home and your beans have met and made furiends.
Happy New Year.
I am so glad that that story worked out!
Momma would've been panicking too. We're super glad that Mary's home. Speedy, maybe you could go over and visit her?
Happy New Year to you guys!
Have a Happy New Year! Love Henry, Clyde and Charlotte Helton!
Wow! That was a quite a adventure that Mary had! We is so glad she got her Beins foun an could go home. Maybe ya will get to visit wif her sometime...
It's good that efurrything worked out. What a relief!
Happy New Year! 2008 is gonna be GREAT!
Mary has such great beans! And she sounds like such a superduper kitty.
Happy New Year to you and yur fambly! We wish you all the bestest in 2008.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
We forgot to wish you a very Happy New Year!!!
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Very happy new year to you all! Ruis and I were not able to come back last night because the staff - who help with the computer access - DESERTED us!!!!
We are so glad to hear Mary's story - it is so good to hear about beans who really care for their bosses (us) and just hear stories with happy endings .....
May there be many more this year!
Happy New Year!
We're glad Mary got back wiv her Beans. It must haf been a reeleef furr them that yoo all wuz looking after her.
Happy New Year to you all.
Happy New Year to you and your family! Hope your 2008 is great!
And you and your beans are so nice to get Mary back home and look after her so well.
That is a very exciting story. Mary must be very smart to come right to your house where your momma and daddy take such good care of kitties. Happy New Year, buddies!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Our People is very careful of us, and she would make sure any Mozart and Gonzo carer would be, too. But things happen, and when we showed People this post, she started leaking (she leaks a lot) from her eyes 'cuz she was so glad fur Mary that she founded you guys on Christmas Morning! Wow, you guys had a Christmas Visitor! A smart Christmas Visitor, who knows...
In Is Better! ('Speshully when In is with other cats willing to share, luv, Gonzo)
Happy New Year to a grrreat bunch of Top Cats who know how to do Christmas right-by sharing the Love:)
From Mozart and Gonzo
Wow, that was such a great story about Mary. Your mom and dad are good people to have taken care of that Mary girl. I hope she learned a lesson and won't try escaping again. She might have had such a good time that she'll be the first one out the door at the next chance she gets. Wow, my mom's heart is all a warm and soft inside. She would hope someone would treat us as good as your mom treated Mary if we were to get out...Your mom should feel proud of herself.
How great of your mom to take care of sweet Mary, and to have it all work out! What a wonderful way to end 2007 and start 2008! Speedy, maybe you can go visit her some time!
And congratulations on your Dad's retirement! Mine is probably going to retire soon too!
We're so glad about Mary's family getting her back! My OTW once 'misplaced' my buddy Smokey when she let us all out for grass in the backyard when we lived with Smokey's peoples, and she was frantic!!! turned out he had just gone under the porch to investimigate when her back was turned, but she nearly fainted with relief when she found him!
Happy New Year! We hope the new year brings lots of happiness and financial security! (My OTW made me say that last bit...dunno what it is though, but she wishes it on you! Hope it's something good!)
Thanks for making the new kitty on the blog block feel welcome. I look forward to learning more about you, too!
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