Mom brawt this in, now we'z used to packages coming fur dad but she said "Speedy, yoo haf a package". It was my Secret Paw's from Willow!
I hadda get mom to help me open it. Once it was opened I knew, Willow is a grate toy picker outer.I started digging thru found da letter she sent and read it to me while I was, um, selecting some stuff. Willow effun sent a pretty piksher of herself waving at me! Da calendar is pretty kewl (for mom) and der was sumfing called Swankees, which is like fancy kleenex fur mom. She used dem last night when she was reading us Dolce's dad's story. My sisfurs came while I was looking at stuff and stole a cuppul of things, mom wasn't sure what dey took and she sed she hoped she got all my stuff back...I don't mind sharing wif dem. I'm just gonna put up da pikshers now...der was all kindsa balls and little stuffty aminals and rattle mousies and a wand thingie dat is furry fun and even a kitty fur sticky roller thing, calendar and tissues fur mom. It was so much stuff! Thank you Willow, yoo were a super Secret Paw!
I fink we ought to thank DivaKitty furr comin up wif dis ider...we all lub it so much and it brings such joy to all of us a BIG FANK YU to our own DK! Speedy yu got a mutterload of stuff and yu will be playin and nippin until way after da new year.
Speedy, that looks like a great Secret Paw package! I received mine yesterday too! It was from Donny, Marie & Casey - I am going to post about it on Saturday.
Thank you for coming by my blog and asking where I was, it was appreciated : )
WOWZERS!!!!! Look at all the stuff! Yer right,Willow is a good toy picker outer! Have lots a fun with all that stuff :) Merry Christmas ,heeheehee Purrs Mickey
What a lot of great stuff you have there! Nice seeing you at Charlie's party. There is this kitty at the party that Sassy found which no one knows, wonder if you have any idea. The photo is posted on Charlie's blog.
Hi Speedy! I'm so glad that you liked all the presents! I had such fun picking them out for you and your mom. That's nice of you to share with Zippy and Sadie too!
Cool secret paw!
Wow! That's a great Secret Paws!! How nice of you to share your prizes.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Wowww.... this secret paws are awesome~!!!!
Have fun!
OOOOOOOOOoooooooo, AAAahhhhhhhhhhh!
Willow really sent you some wonderful things!
Those are some great Secret Paws presents! Willow is nice.
That's is a great Secret Paws package! :) Enjoy all your cool, new things. :)
Wowie! Zowie! That is a very nice Secret Paws package you got Speedy. Have fun with all the toys!
Your FL furiends,
What a HAUL!
Wow you got some fantastic gifties! And just in time for Christmas!
Zippy, Sadie and Speedy check out Tybalts Thursday 13 today!! Oh my, oh my! Sam
Now that is some really cool stuff. Have fun playing with it!!
Oh my! What great Secret Paw presents. I can come over and help you inspect everything. Um...are there any feather-butt mousies there?
Oh my gosh!! What a fabulous package!! You must have had so much fun.
You gotted great stuff for your Secret Paws. It is too bad that your sisters swiped some your stuff but you were nice to let them in on the fun.
I fink we ought to thank DivaKitty furr comin up wif dis ider...we all lub it so much and it brings such joy to all of us a BIG FANK YU to our own DK! Speedy yu got a mutterload of stuff and yu will be playin and nippin until way after da new year.
Speedy, that looks like a great Secret Paw package! I received mine yesterday too! It was from Donny, Marie & Casey - I am going to post about it on Saturday.
Thank you for coming by my blog and asking where I was, it was appreciated : )
Wow! Another great secret paw! You are very nice to share with your sisters, Speedy.
wow yu got some cool stuff! i cants wait until i can be in secret paws! thanks fur welcoming me to the blogosphere!
wow! Those are some great toys. Neat that Willow sent you a picture of herself too. Now you can put it in your album!
Look at all does toys! Me want to come play! ~Empress
Wow! You got lots of excellent presents :-D
WOWZERS!!!!! Look at all the stuff! Yer right,Willow is a good toy picker outer! Have lots a fun with all that stuff :)
Merry Christmas ,heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
What a lot of great stuff you have there! Nice seeing you at Charlie's party. There is this kitty at the party that Sassy found which no one knows, wonder if you have any idea. The photo is posted on Charlie's blog.
You got way excellent stuff. Lucky you!!!!
Yowser! Dat's a lot of loot! Yoo could chase balls furever wif all of dem.
Oh, my ... Those are some excellent Secret Paws presents! Terrific fun!
Wow, that really is some great stuff! It must be Secret Paws Day at the post office, 'cause we got ours today, too, from Bonnie & Victor!
& all of us at Artsy Catsy
Hi Speedy! I'm so glad that you liked all the presents! I had such fun picking them out for you and your mom. That's nice of you to share with Zippy and Sadie too!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
Oh Speedy, you received a wonderful SP's there. Enjoy all your new toys in this wonderful Christmas season.
Peace, love, and purrs,
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