Mancat Monday
What? No, I am not moving. I did not get to stretch out on da couch fur four whole days. Everytime I wanted to lay on it dad was already there. Yes, I know I only wanted to when he was there, but, can I have some fish flakes in bed please?
It was a fun four days. *sigh* back to normal now...
I'm sorry we haven't written for a while. Mom's been hoggin the computer. But it seems like your title of your blog changed. At least we couldn't find you on our list. I'm glad to have found you again. I like reading about you three, a lot.
Speedy, you go ahead and enjoy your spot on the couch. At our house it's the same as at yours, no one wants to be in mom's chair unless she's there. She gets up for a glass of water and comes back and has to shoo away at least two poodins.
Flashing and without flashing the photo result is quite different~!!! I almost thought there are 2 cats :)
I am happy to know you were resting 4 whole days, that is good you know? cause we train our servent well, not to worry so much things~!
You've got to be quick these days, otherwise you miss out!
You look very cozy, Speedy. Fish flakes in bed sound good! Sadie, you look very comfy in that basket. :)
Yup Momma wuz home fur 4 days too. She's grumbling abowt having to go back to werk. But I got to nap wiff her LOTZ wile she wuz reading in bed.
Back to the grind for my Mommy too. Now things get very busy and hectic. I don't blame you for refusing to move Speedy, it looks like a great nappy spot. And I hope with all my kitty heart that Sadie was served fish flakes!
Yes, it is back to normal now :( But Speedy gets his couch back again. That's pretty important for a mancat!
Our beans were home for four days too. Now they are back hunting again. It was nice to get extra attention but it is no fair for your dad to swipe your couch.
Speedy dear, you are the favorite son in your family. Imagine...your Mom brings you fishy flakes in bed!
Would you mind if I came over and snuggled with you today? Mom had to go back to work today, so I'm lonely.
We have to go home from our mountain house today. Not looking forward to the ride! Then its back to normal for us tomorrow....sigh..
Good job on taking the couch back, Speedy! I've been sharing ours with mommy all week, but she had to leave me again this morning. Sigh. It was a nice week while it lasted . . .
OOOOOh fish flakes in bed. Now why didn't we think of that?
It was nice to have four mom days, but I was ready for her to go back to work today.
Fish flakes in bed...mmmmm I think you deserve those since your daddy took up YOUR sofa all weekend.
Great idea!
We were sad when we saw Mommy and Daddy leave for work today because things are back to normal. We liked having them to ourselves for four days but Mom says they have to leave so they can buy the temptations so we guess they can go to work...
I am glad when things get back to normal. Speedy, did you get to eat fish flakes in bed? I'll bet not. Because fish crumbs get everywhere.
You're lucky your beans were there hanging out. Ours where in and out and just basically messing with napping patterns.
That sure does look like a comfy couch! I like to share mine because I would really rather sleep on top of a bean than on the couch itself. Is that weird?
Love Clover xo
Speedy, I would like to commend you for at least getting your poop inside the pooper box occasionally.
Willie dribbles his all down the sides and Bianca pees half in and half out.
I think you have every right to be proud of your successful placement efforts.
fishflakes in bed? you must be the Boss of the House! my Bean would go spare if she caught me eating foods in bed...mind you, she is Ok with me stealing it directly of her plate! x
Fishy flakes in bed? Now, that's fast food delivery!
What are these fish flakes you speak of?? I've never had them. Are they better that Temptations? Could anything *be* better thatn Temptations??
Fishy flakes, yummy! So glad you got your couch back Speedy! You look so cute. We hope that was warm laundry Sadie, that's the best to snuggle in.
Your FL furiends,
Gee,it's too bad regular routine has to spoil yer fun :( But another special time is coming!!! :)
Why'd tha beans haf to go away again? I agree, the last few days was fun.
Zippy, you did a nice job on raisin a paw. We gotta do that soon, too. Purrs!
The couch is more comfy when the beans are on it, isn't it?
We loved having mom and dad home for four days - they went out every now and then, but still FOUR WHOLE DAYS. And now they both left us today :-(
I'm happy that we're back to regular routine - so is Willow. We kept having company and it freaked her out. I kind of enjoy company, to a point! She hides under the bed!
Hope that you got your fish flakes!!!
Purrrrs, China Cat
Speedy, glad to hear you're enjoying back to normal. I'm envious ... we can't get back to normal over here because we were never there in the first place! My mom hogs one end of the couch with a computer on her lap, and piles the other end with boxes of beads. It ain't NORMAL, I say!
Normal is gud. We dunt like tings to be abbynormal. Neifer duz Maw.
An no, dat Crazy Cat Lady dint stop fosterin. Maw did kick her owtta da grup dat Maw wuz in, an den, 3 yeers later, dey wunted to bring her bak cuz most peeple dat knew her afor were long gone. So Maw quit dat grup. She wouldn't haf nuttin to do wid a grup dat tolerates Crazy Cat Ladys.
Luf, Us
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