Friday, October 5, 2007

Freeky Friday

Dad made a thing fur mom dat holds plastic grocery bags. Yoo loop the bags together and they come out the bottom one at a time. This was a very nice thing cuz mom uses those bags when she scoops litter, takes out the LitterMaid bins and goes all over the yard picking up "Zippy droppings" afore she mows. He painted it real pretty and dekamerated it fur her. Dad has a weerd sense of hoomer and did this...This has been hanging on the side wall of our kitchen for about 5 years now. Everyone finds it amuzing. Mom got home AFTER DAD last night, we were alone all day and we'z not used to dat anymore so I tried to give her a look of "disdane" but she laffed at me... She said I looked goofy, no mom dis is disdane fur yoo being gone all day. She wanted me to come give her a snuggle but I made her wait fur like a squillion hours *note: it was all of 2 minutes I hope dat lerned her not to leave us! Zippy and Sadie ran to greet her and get snuggled rite away! Dey din't even wate til she was in da hows all da way, dey started rubbing her legs afore she even put her bags down...silly gerls. The only good thing was dat dem bags was from da pet place and she gots us a new food bowl, more food and some more filters for da water fountain. Okay, I forgive her...




When da foods comes out all gud intenshuns go out too! I bet yur Mom gave yu sum grate huggles last night.


Victor Tabbycat said...

Speedy, dids you get a hair in yur ear? Dats what it looks like to me.

I usually great my beans at the top of the stairs, lookin sleepy-eyed. No, I wasn't makin trubble or buggin Bonnie, really, see, I was sleepin!

Oh, an last nite, Dad let in a ladybug just fur me! YEAH! ::spin:: it's ladybug season agin!

Victor Tabbycat said...

PS My boy says they's Ashun Lady Beetles, not ladybugs. Doots on him, they's still FUN.

LZ said...

That is very very cool!! We need something like that because our stairway to the dungeon has a ton of plastic bags hanging and get in the way. The AM is not however as useful as your dad.


Daisy said...

I am going to start practicing your fabulous look of disdain so I am ready when my Mommie gets back from vacation. Thanks for teaching it to me!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a cute bag box your dad made for your mom!

I think your looks of disdain is very good, Speedy. I'm glad your mom brought home some stuff for you guys.

Unknown said...

Oh Speedy, that is a very funny look of disdain! Ha, ha, ha it made me laff alot : )

Anonymous said...

we like yur box lots. we duzzn't haf a daddy to make one so the Lady has one made by sumbuddy named Tupperware. an yur look of disdane is furry good. we new rite off you wuzzn't bein' goofy.

sammawow said...

Your dad is very talented to make your mom such a nicely decorated box! And we think that your look of disdain should have been more appreciated. We're going to practice for when we need to use it too!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Laura W said...

Your dad is very creative and funny. We like that combo in a person a lot. And we like your disdainful photo a lot too.

Thank you for the nice words about my modeling. I want to tell you how prescient you are because just two hours ago Mosaic Lady was sniffing the entire front of the house for a hidden poo pile. You can't believe the poo coming out of this tiny white runt lately. And never in his litter box. ML spends a lot of time swearing and gagging. So she looked and looked and moved furniture and looked more. She has a VERY GOOD NOSE. Scary, really.

Finding no piles, but seeing how gross Smudge's behind was, she gave him a butt bath! He hated it, and she could only dunk him in a few times before she nearly lost an eye, but at least the top coat of stank is off that cat's bottom. GROSS!

We are never going to let her foster a poo challenged kitten again. We do not think she will fight us on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. Disdane. We shud try dat sumtimes. So far, happy and snuggly, like Zippy and Sadie duz is workin fur us. But, we'll practiz disdanin'

We like yur cool patches on yur legz and noose, Speedy. You is good lookin kitty!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i am laffin an laffin at da big bagz fer poop box yer dad made!

Parker said...

HaHaHaHaHa! We like your look of disdain! We love your box too! Our is made of cloth and has kitties on it!

Mickey's Musings said...

It's hard to stay mad at Mom's when they bring home goodies. Also,it's just plain good to see them come home :)

Forty Paws said...

That's a great "dooty" bag box! Your dad has a great sense of hoomyur and is art-tie too!

Our Maw has been leafin us a lot lately too an we ist not amuzed. We yooshully try to leaf sum surprises, like poo unner Paw's desk where it got scared owtta Obi or sumting. An yak of course.

Oh, da Shrub ist called lotz ov udder names in dis howse too, and we purrsonally dunt tink much ov hiz Maw. She taint all dat brite neifer.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

That is very nice of him to make that for her. My lady needs one of those.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MaoMao said...

Oopsie, sorry fur the delleted komment -- that was me, usin' the wrong Bloggur account!

Speedy, that's a furry great look of disdayne! And Momma's laffin' about the doody-duty boxie! That's great!

thankies so much fur your purrs and advicies about Brainball -- things are gettin' bettur, Brainball ated some warmed up eckstra stinky goodness and some Temptayshuns and efun some dry foodies! Momma will have an update soon!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm giggling and giggling over the Doody Duty box, and I'm giggling even more, Speedy, at your expression of disdain! It is excellent! *smile*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Anonymous said...


I changed my blog.Here is the new web address...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Skeeter and LC have tagged you with the Desktop Meme.

Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop. It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun. Tag 5 friends and let them know they been tagged and tell em the rulz...

Skeeter and LC

Lux said...

I definitely recognize that look as disdain! That is the cutest thing your dad made!

P.S. At the cat health food store, they were selling the towers (made by the Humane Society, with all profits going to them).

Sunny's Mommy said...

That's a very nice baggy container your Dad made. I don't think you look goofy in that photo, Speedy, I'd say that's more of an inquisitive look ;-)

The Crew said...

When I try to give Mom my "look of disdain" she just ignores me, too.
