Tuxie Toozday
Today I wood like to tell yoo about my window and what I see from it....dis is kinda long so if yoo want to get a soda or cup of coffee or tea I'll wait....
Okay, ready now...
This is the new kitty perch dat mom bawt at Target. I love it and keep pushing Speedy off when he tries to sit up here wif me *snicker*. In a while mom and dad are going to redo the office/craft room. Dad has alreddy picked out a new desk and mom haf ordered an organizer wall thingie. She alreddy has a sewing table and a big plastic drawer thingie, she just can't get to them cuz of all dad's stuff piled in der. Anyway, dey is selecting colors to paint da walls and stuff like dat and dad sez when dey is all reddy to do da furnitcher mom shood get more of deze fur da windows in der so we can sit wif dem when dey work. Yay dad, good of yoo to think of us! If yoo look out da window I am sitting in yoo can see dat da nice beans across da street haf sunflowers growing in front of der howse. Dey also haf a bunch in da backyard and effury Krissmouse dey bring over fresh roasted sunflower seeds (litely salted) fur der frends. Daddy loves deze and effun shares wif me. Da howse next to dat one wif da big pine tree (der is one on da other side too) is were Max and Maria live, dey is nice beans too. And next to dat is where our frend Emily lives, she is da one dat hooks mom up wif neat Krissmouse and other holiday goodies. She sells dem fur her skool, but dis year she is going to a different skool, I think mom said it is a middle skool. We don't know in da middle of what but we think dat maybe we will hafta get our holiday goodies from one of her little brofurs now. To da east of da sunflower howse (on da rite, yoo can just see da corner of der howse and a little bit of der pretty flowers) is where Nanook lives. Nanook is a jinormus malamute woofie dat Zippy is frends wif. She comes to visit sometimes when mom is out front wif Zippy and she always lays down and lets Zippy walk all over her. Nan, as we call her, lives wif another tuxedo kitty named Shelly. She is named dat cuz da white mark on her chest looks like a clam shell. We'z neffur met her cuz she is an indoor only kitty. Well, dat is about some of da naybors across da street. Maybe I'll get to post again about some of our other naybors. Dey is mostly nice and sometimes da lady beans come over fur coffee and talk about da kids and da park and what to do to make dis an effun better place to live!
Your window perch looks and sounds great Sadie, and you look lovely on it. :) Your neighbours sound very nice! Lots of friendly people and animals. :)
Sounds like you live in a furry nice neighborhood. It is good that the woofie is a nice cat liking woofie.
Sadie, you have some nice neighbors! I do not know any of my neighbors. Fresh roasted home-grown sunflower seeds sounds like a very good present! I like your neighborhood.
deer sadie,
i like yer neighborhood, too! da peepul sownd verree nice ...
it'z intrestin dat u havva d-o-g fer a frend.
i dunno.
da onlee d-o-gz i'm frendz wid ar in da internet.
You eat sunflower seeds! I thought those were for birdies.
oooh I'd love to see pictures of this Nanook woofie! He is the same kinda woofie as my cousin Ernie!
When I read bloggies about the outdoors, it really makes me want to go outside and see what it is all about. Then I remember the outdoors is scary and I change my mind. I'll stay inside.
Sadie, that was a furry nice post about your neighbourhood. It sounds like you have alot of furry nice neighbours.
I really like your window seat, my Mum was looking at getting something like that, but she bought a table for our entryway instead. I spend alot of time there peering out the window. We have alot of Quail around our house so I often have to run from window to window to keep track of them.
Ooooooooooo....Can you get some photos for us of Zippy walking all over Nanook? We'll pay you in Temptations! We have all six flavors now!
We wanna see Nanook too! Sounds like a great woofie!
Well, regarding your house, you should be sure to snoopervise everything they do. Get right in the middle of it to make sure they get it done right.
Your mom is getting an organizer wall? Our mom needs an entire organizer house!
Wowwww, that is great for you!!!
And thanks for the coffee~!!! I can't wait for another news from your neighbor~!!
Sadie, you look so lovely there surveying your domain! I really enjoyed being introduced to your neighbors!
Momma has been talking about getting us a perch like that. I think I would like it.
What a great window seat. I hope Zippy gets to sit on it sometimes. Do you see squirrels and magpies when you look out the window. I don't mind squirrels, but I really really hate magpies. My lady peep has a sewing room too. And she puts little bits of fabric everywhere. They are fun to play with. Gotta go..keeping an eye on the little guy.
What a great window perch!!! We luffed learning bowt yur naybors!
Luf, Us
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