Finally Furriday!
Mom's been bizzy again. She was furry sick Toosday night from some stuff she eated. She spent a lot of time in da hooman litter boks room making funny noyzes. Den, just as fast as it started, it was all over. On Wednesday she gots a call frum da nefew, his motorcycle stopped running and he was stuck. His mom wasn't home and his dad was at work and he wondered if mom cood help. Well, of course she cood. Furst she asked him if he was in a safe place, he was and his vrroom machine was okay too. Den she said she wood be there in an hour, she hadda go get dad's van to move da vrroom machine wif. She did, dad laffed at her cuz she amemberd to bring da ramps so dey cood get da vrroom machine in da van, mom duz well unner presher, and he sed make sher yoo put da tarp down cuz yoor gonna hafta lay it on it's side. Den, one of dad's frends from work sed maybe she shood use his pick'em up truck insted! So she went and got him and his big vrrooom machine and brawt dem both home and den took da nice mans truck back to him and dey stopped and put gas in da big truck to thank da man and to thank mom da nefew bawt her lunch. So, she was gone fur several hours, got to spend some kwality time wif da nefew and gots lunch. But, what about us? Well, she was in a good mood when she gots home and took us out in our porchie/kennel thing and den she did some lawndry and din't get mad when I did this...
She just laffed and asked if I was comfy. Of course I was, der is nuffing like soft warm towels to lay in....~SadieThanks fur da mynushia of mom's day Sadie....sheesh dat gerl talks a lot! Mom din't see a lot of Ron's howse when she moved uncle Gil in, cuz she is not one to poke around in other beans stuff mostly but also cuz she was pretty tired. So, Gil sent her some intristing pikshers now dat he is settled in. Mom's favorite movie is Christmas Story and dad's always wanted one of deze...
Mom thinks she will gets him one fur his birfday. See, told yoo are beans is weerd...
I like laundry baskets, too Sadie!
(Sam) Mom is laughing, she didn't think that lamp really existed except in the movie!! We may be AWOL this weekend. Family is here and THE DOG!!! So we'll mostly read and comment later! Have a nice weekend!!
That lamp is almost frightening in it's realism.
Wowwww, what a very funny lamp, I never seen such design like before~! So creative~!!!
I like seeing you stay in the laundry basket, It looks comfy in there. Have a great weekend as well.
Wow your mom sure is busy.Have a great weekend maybe your mom can
rest :)
mommy almost boughted one of those last year from some store at christmas time. she can't 'member which store. but they also hadded a string of mini leg lamp lights for the chrissymas tree that she thought was funny.
Dat is so funny wif dat leg...but ware's da rest of da bean parts?
Oooo we loves to lay on warm lawndree too. We also love warm driers....
That's nice of you to keep the laundry nice and warm, Sadie. My momma recognized that lamp--she said it's called Fra-gi-le, so it must be Italian.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I can't believe it but the maid was seriously contemplating coming over and stealing the lamp. She is weird too!
Come and see Anastasia in the Groucho Marx glasses AND I am giving away a price today!
Mmmmm warm lawndry! I bet yur mom felt good to help hers nephew when he was stuck. Poor "kid". Mom says that "lamp" is in the Wireless catalog, maybe.
Hey, you liked hearin our discussion? I mew an then mew an meow louder an louder cuz Bonnie don't seem to hear so good. I mean, I's bein nice so there's no reason for her to say doz nasty fings.
Somehow I knew that your mom would be the wonderful type of mom that you can depend on when help is needed. That was very nice of her to help when the motoring-cycle broked down. It is good to have someone you can count on! Because then you can feel safe.
Your momma is a very wonderful person. So kind and helpful. I think the lamp is a little weird, but I am a just a cat so what do I know.
Your mom has been really busy and she sounds like a very nice and helpful bean. Trixie likes to lay in mom's warm laundry too and mom lets her!
I dunno about that leg lamp. Whose leg is it? They better give it back cause the bean who lost it is probably looking for it.
ha ha ha ha ha my mommy and daddy love that movie. maybe i should get them that for christmas?
i'm with you, beans is weerd.
Our momma use to watch that movie every christmas time, it was tradition...she laughted cause someone actually has a lamp like that one...but she says no way is it coming over here cause us cats would use the fringe as a play thing!
~Napoleon,Hunter, & "GirlIntruder"~
ahhhhh - a disembodied leg! there's one of those things 'ZACTLY LIKE THAT in the window of a house in our neighborhood! SCARY!
your mom's very nice to be so helpful. we would be too, if we knew lunch was involved. you didn't mention what kinda lunch she got...was it HAM, by any chance?
Man, weze sorry to heer yur mom was yakkin Toosday nite. That sux.
Maw sez dat ist one butt-ugly lamp.
We likes warm laundry, but we dunt get it in no laundry baskit, itz in piles. So then we rake it into littler piles. Yup.
Luf, Us
Sadie, you look furry, furry cute in the laundry basket. I do that too and Mum has to pull the towels out from under me to fold them - it is alot of fun.
Thank you guys for you nice words about my Mum's kidneys. She would love to get a new one, but we have socialized medicine here in Canada and unless you actually have someone to give you a kidney there is a "process" to getting one - until then you are stuck on dialysis! I'm glad your uncle is feeling better with his new kidney!
Oh gosh,
The lamp!
Remind us to shoot you a photo of something Mosaic Lady has on our coffee/wine table. She's had it since she was in college. EONS AGO. We think your Dad will like it.
We will forget, we promise.
So don't be afraid to hound us.
Er, cat us.
That lamp lady has only got one leg. FAZ
Oooo, that lawndry looks furry comfy! I'm sorry yur mom was sick. Maybe that's why she wants to give a people leg fur a birfday purresent.
You should have seen Victor fall out of the chair when he read your comment! He can be so narrow-minded sometimes! Sadie, you ARE a furiend and special, but if you're interested in Victor, it may be a little late. Mosaic Sadie (Mosadic? Mosadie? Sasaic?) has captured his heart in her fluffy tabby paws.
She can keep him. Purrs!
I'm glad your mom is feeling better, and good enough to help your nephew...she is a wonderful mom...
Don't know about that leg, however...
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