Thursday, June 7, 2007

Speedy's in the doghowse!

Yesterday I was looking out da window and dad asked me what I was looking at....Is he def? Dad, yoo don't hear mom out there wif da weed wacky thingy?
She cut da grass, dad, what does she do after she cuts da grass? Sheesh, sometimes my dad is reely weerd. Please note, I am not da one dat clawed up da curtains. Right Speedy? I'm pleeding da fifth on dis one, mom's alreddy mad at me fur flipping da stinky goodness on da floor dis morning. And fur poking a hole in da door screen and fur jumping on da table and spilling a cup of coffee on da chair (they needed cleaning anyway), rolling da rattle ball around da kitchen at 3'0 dark dis morning (mom's gotta stop being such a lite sleeper), getting brown all over da scooper part on da otto-matik litter rite after she cleaned it, yakking in da basket of clean towels...lets just say I din't haf da best day! Mom sed I was in da doghawse but we don't haf one of dose. Would it helped if I gave her a hug?


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Awwww poor Speedy!! I hope you feel better. But sure leave a trail of fun for mommy! I like that!!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Sownds kinda like Tripper's days: EVRY day! Time for big purrs and hed butts: for yoo and yer ladey!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Oh dear, time to snuggle to distract them!

Daisy said...

Poor Speedy! It sounds like you were just having a little FUN! I hope you don't have to live in the doghouse. I think a big hug would help.


Uh oh Speedy time to break out the big purr box and snuggle snuggle snuggle.

It didn't sound like you had a good day yesterday.


Parker said...

Better go give some love to your Mommy! It always works for me!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

UH OH! I'm not gonna comment 'cause I sometimes do the same things. ;(
Especially the playing REALLY loud at 3 in the am. And the whole weed wacky thing, HATE IT!

Ali & Fiona said...

Oh Speedy, you can't help those things, they shouldn't make those rattle balls so fun to play with and clean towels need kitty throw up on them.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Speedy, she gotted MAD that you yakked? Sheesh, MY mom would haf taken you to the v-e-t - which, come to fink of it is werser than her getting mad. Can I haf your mom? - Miles

Tara said...

Dear Speedy, you are just being a cat! I'm sure your Mom understands! But a hug would go a long way....

The Furry Kids said...

What did you supposedly do that was so wrong? None of those things you listed sound bad. You were just having fun.


LZ said...

I'm pretty sure a sweet look and a hug will cure all!


Carolina Cats said...

Oh yes, hugs are allways good! -Finny

Owr stroller din't cost furry much moneys. Ant Ree got it on Ebay and it came reel kwik too. -Buddy

Anonymous said...

Speedy I fink dat you shud hug yer mom. Dats what we do when we're in the doggie house, like when Trixie broked all of mom's vases in one day. It sounds like you had a busy day. We like waking our mom up at 0'dark too but she duzzint get up unless we're fightin.

Forty Paws said...

Maw ist laffin an laffin. She sez dat sownds like a tip-ee-kal day heer at da Forty Paws.

An Maw wantz to no why yur Maw hast doze sheer curtins anywey? Dunt she no dey ist not claw pruf? Duh.

So how's cum efurry poodin hast comminted on owr bloggie bowt sniffin butts an flehmen?

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Goodness, you've had quite a day! I think you and my little brother MaoMao should get together and compare notes, *giggle*.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Give your mom lots of purrs, head butts, leg rubs and innocent meows and that should make everything right.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha yoo did haf a bizzy day, but a few, well mebbe a lot, of purrrs should make all the diffrunts.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hugs always help! It sounds like your evil alter ego, um, Weedy (after nip, not the other stuff) had a very busy day. Yeah, Weedy, you'd never rip a hole in the screen...

muffinmidi said...

Speedy you should definately give your mother a hug, then stay out of her way for awhile. She loves you; just give her a few minutes to calm down.

The Crew said...

Speedy, I'm completely sure that if you did ANY of that stuff, it was accidental! Is there really proof that it was you? Are there pictures or an eye witness?

If you need a place to hide out, you can come here and spend the day in the Barbie House with me.


Samantha & Mom said...

Speedy you were a busy cat today. I noticed Mom's don't like the yakking bit, Tigger does it all the time. Hugs, purrs, sad eyed looks, licking fingers, cuddle, cuddle, cuddle that should work to keep you out of the doghouse.
Samantha & Tigger

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

How were any of those things your fault, Speedy? I think giving your mom a hug would help, along with lots and lots of purrs.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you had 'to do list' and you got everything done! heeheee yeah, sometimes we kitties do have bad days. But our beans still love us.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Ut oh. Yoo must haf met up wif Beau Beau and deecided to get in as much trubbel as yoo can. I finks a hug and some stinky mouf rubs on da beans face is da best fing to do right now.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Wow, you's had a busy day! I knocked ofur a plant an Bonnie fell offa the counter while yackin a hairball. I should take lessons frum you!