After almost everyone left yesterday our cuzin Anna and her brother Jeff and mom's brother and sister-in-law and da nefew stayed to help clean up. Then they all camed in da howse and played cards! Yoo wood think dey wooda been sick of being here by then but they weren't.

Wow! That's just a ton of company! We would all be hiding too! Glad you got some bean food to make up for it.
Luf, Us
We had a picnic too but mom made Tommy and me stay in the bedroom until everybody finished and was inside talking and then she let us come out and get fur all over everybody. I love Lays potato chips! I could eat a bunch in fact I kinda got into trouble for sticking my face in a bowl of them.
We had a picnic too, but I always stay inside. I was actually nice to the sticky little people sos I got lotsa extra treats. Mommy gave them treats and they fed me. I could get used to that.
Zippy, it sounds like you had a great time. Lotsa attention and food is wonderful.
Great photos! :) Sadie, you look lovely in your picture. That was very nice of you to help your mom play cards. Zippy, it sounds like you had a great time with all the guests. Being petted and loved is the best. :)
We should all have a big cat poker game for Tem-tay-shuns! If dogs can play poker, then cats should be able to play too.
We had bisitors too- I HATED them. Its nice you're so friendly Zippy, that means you get tasty stuff!
I'm cured !!!!!!!!!!!!!! And speechliss!
Wow that was a lot of fun!
And food too.
Great golly molly!
Great picshurs, and wowie, a party! I'm glad you had fun. After I warmed up to the beans I woulda tried to get in their plates, hehehe.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You had a very exciting day. I'm glad you got to go out and meet the people, Zippy.
We really like your pikshurs and words about your party and getting bean foods. Yum, yum, we love bean foods. We had a cook out on Saturday so we had to go hid under mom's bed until everybody left. I ran under mom's feet when she was cleaning up and she almost dropped sum bean food, but she's getting pretty good at dodging us.
deer sadie,
yes, yer rite, life iz grate wen sum old guy givez u lottsa food to eet. yesturday i wuz gettin da grilled chicken frum mi dad. it wuz delishuz an made fer a fine memorial day treet.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
Sounds like a grate day, Zippy! I'm surprised such a big Man-Cat like Speedy would be hiding, though. I mean, I don't LIKE company, but I usually come out when they're quiet and get myself lots of scritches.
And Sadie... WHOA! I think I'M cured, and I wasn't even sick!
Zippy, that was very smart of you to be a suck-up. I could learn a lot from you!
And Sadie - thanks for curing Rocky!
Wowy - that tummy shot should cure every dude cat!
WHOOT! A tummy shot of Sadie! A shur fire cure fur any mancat who iz feeling poorly.
Sadie, that's pawesome your mommy won! Did you show her how to win?
Zippy, I like to be with the guests too. Donny and Casey, they are too wimpy and like to hide when we have company.
Sounds like you had a lot of excitement! And a great tummy shot!
That sounds like a fun day to me. I like being around the people, but not so much the laps.
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