One set of babies went back to da adopshun place yesterday so dey can find der fureffer homes. Goodbye little buddies, hope yoo all find a grate fambly to take yoo. Der mom had already been adopted but had to wate to go to her home until she had raised her babies. We have one mom and her babies still here but they'll be leaving next Monday! All that education about neutering pets must be working acuz dey don't haf any more babies fur mom to foster. Dey do haf an injured woofie dey want mom to foster. He just hadded serjerees on hims leg and will be ready to go to a foster home next Tuesday. Mom sed she'd think about it and talk it over with dad, maybe we'll haf a little woofie here next week. We'll hafta see if we can get along wif him. He's a Lhasa/Chiwawa mix about 6 months old, and smaller den Zippy! He gots hit by a bicycle (his parents sed) and his parents coodent afford medical care so they released him to da Humane Society so he cood get fixed. I bet dat wuz furry hard but dey made da rite desishun in da end. Mom sez he's awfully kyoote, we'll see about dat.~Speedy
Oh Zippy, you are such a sweet girl. I can tell you really love your massages. It looks like you are having a very good morning!
Zippy, you clearly love your mom a lot and she loves you too. Your massage sounds wonderful! :)
Awww, you're so sweet Zippy and what a great mom you have!
Zippy, for heavens sake, why aren't you in my group Coats of Many Colors?! Lots of calico & torties have joined. Speedy, you & Sadie, as bi-colors, can join, too.
Speedy, are you getting a dog?! You've been such a good Uncle to all those kittens, I know you could help take care of a doggie with a hurt leg.
aw, special mommy rubbin time is wunderful isnt it? mommy likes woofies but i'm scared of them lots. the VET thinks i may have had a bad experience before i was rescued.
not all woofies are scary tho and if this little guy is smaller than zippy, i think he'll be ok. there is a mini chiwawa a couple doors down and mommy just adores him. daddy says no way.
keep us posted. i'm so glad there are no kittens. everyone should spay and neuter their pets!!!
That is really nice you get your own massage from your mom like that. You look very very happy.
Woofies can be cool!
We think it's great you foster so many animals. The investor wants to foster cats when our facility is done. I MAY be OK with that... but not DOGS! Holy MOLY!
Hey Zippy, those scritches look gooooo-oooood!
Thanks for being such greats friends to us!
Bogdan, Sara and Kat 3
you don't look crazy at all! Honest! *edges away slowly*
Only kidding, you look like you are enjoying that lovin'!
You get massages? 15 minutes a day? Oh man. I need to have a talk with the Mom.
I think it's great that your humans foster little kitties, but don't tell the Mom this. I need more Brats in this house like I need another hole in my head. It's bad enough the Mom is feeding the feral fuzzies outside.
what a nice skritchin' you are gettin'!! mom sez we gets funny looks on our faces, too, when we gets all "blissed out"! it's obvious you loves yer mom furry much!
Your mornings with Mom sound delightful, Zippy! And wow, a little woofie sibling is a possibility? I hope everyone makes friends!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Oh, Zippy, you do look happy there. I'll only really get into skritches from my man, but Victor goes ga-ga for the stoopid zoom groom. No dignity whatsoever. I shouldn't expect more from a little brofur, I guess.
NO DOGS ALLOWED in my house. Victor's bad enough. Speedy hasn't done any more kitten-napping, has he? Kitten sitting is another matter. Purrs!
Massages are heavenly, purrrrrrr
Aw Zippy, time in the morning with Mom is so special, isn't it?
Speedy, its so great your mom fosters kitties! I think a woofie might be cool!
That's very speshul ov yur mom to gif u 15 minute massajes on yur feets every single day!!! She's furry good to you.
Dat is grate noos dat der aren't no baby poodins to foster!!! Da group Maw uzed to be wid nefer had nuf homes fur all da kittens in kitten seazun.
Mebbe you'll like a teeny tiny woofie. Dem Taco dogs kin bark tho!!!
Thank you for nominating Maw for Zeus' Legends Ball. That was very kind of you when you do so much yourself.
Luf, Us
This is good news about less baby cats to foster. There are still loads of big cats around that need good forever homes. Purr FAZ
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