Artsy Catsy sez we should have a post card blitz on May 3rd (which is National Hug yoor cat day) I concur. As senior cat here I am getting my post cards reddy. Here's what we should do: Get postcards (envelopes may not be delivered or opened a'cuz of threats) and write a short note about how this poisoning of pet foods (and maybe now effun bean foods) has affected you! Mom stressed and agonized because effun if dey say dey are not affected it seems dat a few days later dey find out dey ARE. You shood not use bad werds or be furry angry (which is hard) just say something like "We agonize about what to feed our cat/dog because of the lack of regulation in the pet food industry. The lives of our companions should not be put at risk for greed." If you spent money on testing or medisin and vet care fur a pet tell dem how much. Now mail a card fur each of yoor fur babies to yoor state representatives. You can find dem here look in da upper right hand corner. If you want to you can mail dem to the places on Artsy Catsy's blog too.
So for example, for us we gots two senators. We would need 2 postcards for each of us (dats 6 one for each cat x 2 sen. ) and 4 more, a'cuz mom's pretty mad about dis stuff, to send to da uver beans dat keep saying stoopid stuff like only 17 pets were affekted! 10 postcards is easy when yoor a little riled up. We akshoolly got some wif puppies and kitties on da front, she founded dem at Target! Everyone shood mail der post cards on da same day so dey mostly hit these beans all at the same time. It may not change anything, but were betting on it having an impact. How could they ignore all those beans wif worries over der companions food. Dats it. Oh, mom talked to our vet man and a lady at the company and she has gone with Wellness for us. We hopes dey ain't lying when dey say dey makes der own food and don't subcontract.
I think this is a very good idea, and Mom will be looking for some postcards today.
I'm eating Evo, but might give Wellness a try too.
Thanks for this idea and information. Mom says she'll do it because our senators already know her anyway! (One of them's okay and one is not.)
She'll email them, too.
Mom replaced Ninna's Natural Balance kibble with Core, a new dry food from Wellness with no grain. BUT she found on one of the sites that "tomato pomice" (spelling?) is a bad thing, and it is in the list of ingredients. She's still feeding at least a little of it, because that's what Ninna likes best. Which way to turn?
Wow, that's a grand idea! I think it would be fun for us to get the attention of every senator in America! I'm very worried but most foods are to rich for my tummy. When will this end? Are beans being affected now, too?!
This is a great idea you have! We gotta make those people listen somehow. We bet lots of the senators have pets too.
We wrote about new food at our blog today too. Mom wants to swtich to EVO dry and raw frozen Natures Variety medallions.
The place she buys it can't get regular shipments of Wellness anymore or she would buy that. We used to eat it when she could get it. They said the company doubled or tripled the amount requirement for stores to order and it is too expensive for them to get it now.
That is a very good idea!
The postcard blitz is a great idea! If I was in the U.S. I would take part. But I don't think anyone in the U.S. government will care about a postcard from Germany.
This is a wonderful idea!! Your mom is very smart!!
Luf, Us
Mommy is going over to Target tonight and get our postcards. They can't ignore all of us!
Of course they can always say they "don't remember" receiving thousands of postcards. They don't remember much once they are in office do they?
Wonderful idea! We're gonna send post cards tonight.
We'll be sending, for sure! Thanks for the whiskers up.
We're sending postcards too. Hope it works.
Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
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