Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Where's Sadie?

Update: I'm home. Dey pulled out a molar and putted in stitches! I can only haf soft food and I gotta take anti-bioteks for awhile. But I'z happy to be home, and Speedy din't hiss or nuffing. He akshooally showed me where mom had put out sum gooshy food and kissed my hed but I'm tired and don't wanna eat or play rite now. Thank yoo all for all the good wishes! I think I need a nap now...~Sadie

First of all, mom took da food away again last nite. Den dis morning when all three of us were in da kitchen asking her to PLEASE, GET OF YOOR BUTT AND GIVE US FOOD she ignored us. Den daddy started closing doors (neffur a good sign) but we were soooo hungry we din't care. Den mom grabbed Sadie and stuffed her in da PTU and took her to da car. Den daddy gave us food and left and mom wuz rite ahind him! When mom came back she wuz alone! She took Sadie away and Sadie is one of da good kitties! Oh no, do yoo think I hurt her when I knoked over da ladder? Did mom take my bestest sisfur away as punishment for my being bad? Will I ever see her again? It's only been a cuppul of hours and I miss her alreddy! I been walking around looking to see if mom sneeked her bak in and hid her sumware, I keep checking her little minky pillow. It still smells like her, but she's not der. I am a sad boy today:( I want my sisfur to come bak mom, I promise to be good from now on if yoo will only bring her bak. ~Speedy

Ugh, he thinks the world revolves around him. Sadie has her teef cleaning today. I told him that but he still thinks mom took her away cuz he wuz bad. It's pathetic the way he's mooning around. I felt so bad for him I even played pass the sponjball for a few minits with the silly poop flinger. I hope Sadie duzent haf to have any teefs pulled. She broke one like I did and they pulled mine cuz it was broke way far down. I act like I don't like them but I woodent want anything bad to happen to them, I meen, dey are fambly after all. ~Zippy


Victor Tabbycat said...

I send my bestest kitty wishes to Sadie. I had my teefs cleaned an they kept me ofurnite so I "wouldn't bother Bonnie while recovering from the anesthetic." (Mom helped wif that bit)

Speedy, I'll come ofur an play wif you any time! Bonnie don't like to play pounce an chase, but I bet you do!

Anonymous said...

lotsa purrs fur Sadie! we hope all goes well wif the teef cleening.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I hope that all goes well with Sadie's teeth cleaning. Sending lots of purrs her way.

Daisy said...

Oh, poor Speedy, it's not your fault. Sadie will be back soon.

I hope Sadie's teeth cleaning goes well and none have to be removed. I really hate teeths. They cause so many problems.

Boy said...

Opps....hope your teeth are ok!
I hate the dentist!
Speedy, I'm sure you did nothing bad. You're such a nice bwother!
If I had a sister, maybe I would twy to be as nice as you.

LZ said...

Phew, I'm glad she's just having her teefs cleaned! I hope it all goes well and try not to worry, she'll be back soon!


Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

I look forwerd to Sadie reeterning with kissing sweet breth.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Oooh is that how you get ride of siblings? Noted!

Anonymous said...

We hope that Sadie has a speedy recovery! Zippy, we think you are the sweetest kitty!!!

sammawow said...

Oh Sadie, we are so glad to know that you are back home. Hope you feel better after resting. And Speedy, we were glad that you were nice to Sadie when she came home - what a good brother! Zippy, you're right about family - we love them anyway!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Forty Paws said...

Ah Zippy, fambly can be a total pain in the patootie can't they? And Speedy, it wasn't anything you did. Sadie needed to have her teeth looked at just like Dorfie. As long as she doesn't get those nasty flowers!!! Yuck.

Yup, yur Mom is rite about wacked out beans moving on to beans' hurting. We like your Dad's solution very well purrsonally. Works for us. We've heard some states are beginning to require juvenile counseling for wacked beans. They need to counsel the stoopid parents who are clueless as to what their kids are doing too. Texas is kinda a "good ol' boy" state and is reluctant to change and such.
No, they didn't get punished. They went to trial for one murder and got off on a technicality.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Glad to hear you are ok!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Yeaaaa, Sadie. Were glad yoo got yer molur owt and got stiches in return!

Ummmm, that's super rude of yer beans to not feed yoo, Speedy. AND THAN thay tuk yer sistur away!!

Zippy, yer vary nice to try and cheer up Speedy. Yoo seckretlie luv them bowth....awww

Karen Jo said...

Sadie, I'm glad you are back, but sorry that you lost a tooth. I hope you feel better very soon. Speedy, you are very sweet to worry about your sister and to be so nice to her when she got home. Ah, Zippy, you do love them, after all. Family can be a pain sometimes, but it's all worth it for the joy they give you.



How are yu feelin today?? OUCH gettin toofies pulled is no fun. I hadda to have my front canine pulled cuz it wuz broken at the gum line. Happened when I wuz livin in dat oddur house which I don't efen want to fink about anymore.

But I is glad yu is home and doin gud!


Spock said...

OH MY GOSH!!! We don talk to you guys in a coouple days & look what happens! We hopes effurrycat & bean am all way better now.

Anonymous said...

Poor Sadie! I hope her teeth cleaning goes OK. I'm sure she'll be back soon! Families can be pains, but ya' still gotta' love 'em!
Perfectly Parker

Christine and FAZ said...

This is a scary story - I hate the basket thingy and the car and I especially hate the V.E.T. FAZ

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Sadie, I'm happy to read you are home. Sorry to hear you had to have a molar pulled and that you need to take antibiotics. I hope your mouth heals quickly! Sendings lots of healing purrs your way.

Phoebe said...

That was so nice of you to be worried about your sister, Speedy.