Mom was off Friday because they were fixing that daylight saving thing. She's actually supposed to be off every other Friday and this would have been one of them. Since they decided they need to save money in every department they 'laid off' lots of people. That means that they took other peoples work and spread it around to the people that were left. Mom is doing 2 jobs and sharing the responsibilities of another. Everyone is doing more work and staying longer hours and working Saturdays and stuff. That brings us to her "day off". She was off Friday because they took down all the servers. She was suppose to be off today because she already worked 45 hours this week. Well, her bosses boss called her this morning at 7:30 and asked her why she wasn't there! It's freekin Saturday, it's 7:30 in the morning and he says she's absent and didn't call in or nothing. She told him this and he said "well, year end is happening in 3 weeks and she needs to do a bunch of stuff before they can turn their numbers in to corporate!" She went to work, she didn't even comb her hair or anything, just put on clothes and went. Then he had the nerve to ask her what happened to her! She didn't get a real raise this year either, they didn't give raises at all to people who didn't take on lots of extra work and would rather be home with their families! Now, one of the things she just processed was bonuses for the executives! Only 10% of the regular employees got a pittance of a salary increase, they laid off a whole big bunch of people because they said they weren't making enough money to keep the business going and yet the exec's are all getting year end bonuses, and the smallest one she did was for $15,000.00! Mom asked for a meeting with the head of the department and she got that, at 6:00 tonight she met with him and told him what she thinks of the way they are treating the employees, he told her, basically, that this is just the way it is and if she doesn't like it she can always leave.
She came home really mad and started talking to daddy about quiting and he said "oh, I didn't realize it was that bad". Is he deaf and blind? So, anyway, he never answered her about quiting now and finding another job. Daddy is kinda selfish with his money, he rarely ever pays for anything. Mom buys the groceries, pays for our insurance and vet bills and gives dad a little more than half the household expenses every month. She also pays her own bills and insurance and stuff. This was fine as dad saves for their retirement and she liked that idea, but now her job is making her physically ill. The stress is bad and the environment there is bad and the building has always made her alergies go wonky, she even got a lung infection last year from all the mold in the building. Where she works is a bad neighborhood too, one person quit last summer because his car got shot while he was driving home, he was only two blocks from work. Mom is worried because dad didn't say that he would pay bills until she gets another job. She doesn't know what to do now, she's tired and doesn't want to go back. She wants to go in Monday and get her stuff and tell them she's never coming back there but she worries that dad won't pay her bills like her car insurance and credit card and student loan or nothing! It's not that he doesn't have the money, he can pay for it all and still have money left, it's just that he's always been what mom calls spoiled on account of she always made more money than him and paid more of the stuff around here. Thanks for letting me rant, I hafta go lay on mom now so she stops crying.
Oh, your poor Mom. She is being treated really badly. You probably don't want to hear this, but I think your Mom should keep this job and look for another one. When she finds another job, that is the time to quit.
Oh Zippy, I'm so sorry to hear that your mom is so stressed at work. :( That sounds like a horrible situation! I can't believe that they expected her to be in at 7:30 on a Saturday! And it's very sad that the building she works in is so unhealthy, and that her job is making her sick. I hope she can find a new job that has better conditions.
My mom has always worked for the Federal Government back in Canada, so while she never received any raises or any bonuses (not allowed in Government) she always had job security, regular working hours, and good benefits. Since my dad is military, he's had all kinds of different working conditions, including very long hours and long deployments overseas, but since he's military, he knows that's part of the job.
I hope your mom can find a new job at a place that treats their employees better. Do you think she can hang in at her current job until she finds a new one?
Sending lots of purrs and hugs to your mom. I hope things improve for her soon. I'll also keep her in my purrayers and send lots of job-finding thoughts her way!
*hugs* *purrs*
Oh crikey, my slave has been there and done that. She says you have to ask yourself - is it worth losing your health to make money? A job that stressful and horrible doesn't sound worth it at all. I bet if one door closed, another would open straight away. Having said that, it is always easier to find work when you are in work, so maybe start by being proactive - update your CV (resume) and start looking for something better. Sadly there are a lot of private companies that treat their employees as badly as you described. Then again, there are many that do the opposite, it's just a case of finding the right one. Easier said than done though. Keep us updated on things and please don't let work ruin your life - my slave did that once and ended up walking out and getting signed off with stress. It did work out for the best though cos she got a much better job that actually has a future. I am positive you will find something better cos from what you have said, you are skilled and that makes it way easier to find a good job.
Oh dear, this does not sound good at all. I am glad that yer Mommie was able to meet with the department head (or the head meanie), and at least let him know her concerns. I think she should sit down with yer Daddie and try to work out a plan. Maybe he will agree to pay for things until she can find another job? I really hope things will work out. Zippy, you are right to go sit with yer Mommie so she feels better.
Oh wow. That totally sucks the big one! We kinda agree with the other comments. Hang in there long enough to find another job and then quit. Especially if your not sure about the bill situation and your dad.
Our Paw just got a new job because he worked for a really sucky company like your Maw's and it made him horribly sick with stress and headaches and such. He got the new job and gave 2 weeks notice and left. THEN they offered him a raise to stay. He politely declined, whereas Maw would've told them what they could've done with that raise with a detailed explanation!!
But Paw always sez it's best not to burn bridges. He has a cooler head than our Maw.
Luf, Us
We feels really bad furrs yur Momma. We hopes dat all gud fings will fall into place furr her and she can find anutter jobbie to go to. We will keep all of yu in our purrayers.
Yup, time to start hunting a new job down. Keep the one you have while you find the new one.
Plus, when you are married, aren't you supposed to support each other in good times and bad? Shouldn't that mean the your dad should take over a bit on the bills if needed?
Awww, we's furry sorry yore Mommy is hafin such a hard time. We'll send lotsa purrs n kitty mojo so's it all werks out fur her.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
yeah, that is what was going on around mommy's werk and then SHE gotted laid off. She was really really sicky and then hadded to haf an oper-way-shun after she gotted laid off. she kind of agrees that your mommy should start looking for anofurr job right away, but not leaf her job until she has a new one. She knows that this is a stinky way, but, it's eifurr that or your mommy just has to tell your daddy that he has to step up and pay the bills for a little while, while your mommy looks for a new jobbie and feels better. There is nofing more important than her healf fough, and if it's making her that sick, then your dad is just gonna haf to do it. (that's just mommy's opinion).
I hope your dad does the right thing. But at the same time, Mom agrees its easier to find a job when you have a job. But she knows all about job stress and long hours (having just spent all day flying to DC for a Monday meeting). Hang in there, and let us know how it goes.
I'm sorry your mom is having such a bad time. It's terrible for her to have spend so much time at a place where they couldn't care less about her. She probably should find a new job before she quits and just know in her mind that it's only a matter of time when she'll be gone from there. She can secretly sing "Free At Last" every time it gets bad (or maybe just all day)!
you need a happy, healthy mom. she's gotta get outta that dump. happy and healthy are more important than the Big Bucks. we're sendin' purrs to your mom!
It seems like companies are doing this all over, and it just isn't fair! I feel so bad for your Mom, and hope this situation doesn't go on for too much longer. Thinking good thoughts,
Lux & family
Oh, Zippy, you take good care of your mom during this tough time. My mom has been through the same thing. That's why we're trying to help her and her sister work for themselves and do something they enjoy.
My mom says to tell your mom that the mold thing is serious stuff. She had lung damage from mold. She was in the hospital for weeks & weeks and her lungs were bleeding and now they have scars. She thinks you might want to report that to OSHA, but probably anonymously.
Wow, that sounds like bad huntin! Mom agrees wif Karen Jo about findin anofur job first. Sounds like yur dad needs a good thwap, too. Mom says men can be pretty dense. I recommend lotsa fur and purr therapy an get them to talk agin bout what yur mom wants to do.
Wow, after hearing about your mom's situation, we think our mom has it pretty good working for a large local government. Our mom recommends looking for a job while you still have one, but sometimes you just have to go with your gut. If that means quitting outright, then so be it. BTW, there are lots of jobs here in Northern Virginia . . .
We're real sorry to hear about your Mom's crappy job. Our mom had a job like that too and it made her have panic attacks. We're sending lots and lots of pawsitive thoughts her way so that she can get stuff worked out with your dad and find a new job. You're doing a good job by cuddling lots with her. That is very very important.
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey
I'm so sorry what's happening to your Mom. I've never had a job so I can't say from experience, but my Mom says to try to hang in there while looking for a new job and that your Mom will be happier about it if she takes the high road, whatever that is.
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