Monday, March 19, 2007

Bad Man Cat Monday...

So, there shood be a piksher of me, the man cat, at the top of this post. There izen't and there's a reason fur dat. I was furry bad yesterday and mom's reel mad at me. It all started wif my morning bisit to da baby kittens. Now, we haf a rootine dat we all follow. Marva won't poop in da litter in da kitty room so when mom goez down in da morning she lets Marva out and she goez upstares and poops in da self-cleaning litter. I stay wif mom and check on da kitties while she scoops da litter and cleans up. Yesterday I thot it wood be a good idea to take da tabby upstares to show him around. NOT A GOOD IDEA! Marva saw me wif her baby and went nuts, she took da baby and wacked me reel good and den took da baby back downstares and cleaned him reel good. And mom wuz mad at me, she woodent let me back in da room all day effun tho I promised not to try to take da babies out and sat in front of da foster room door and cried. Well, I reelized after about three hundred and eleventeen hours (mom:20 minutes) that I wuzent gonna get back in der so I went to find sumfing else to do. Ah hah, Zippy wuz in da litter so I went to watch her. Dis made her furry upset and she ran out of da litter and into da bedroom and squated down and pooped under dad's little desk. Dis made daddy mad and den when mom went to clean it up and squirt dat "kitty smell killer" on it she told dad dat she prolly did it cuz I wuz in da litter box room staring at her. Dis mad dad mad at me. Hey, I'm not da one dat pooped on da carpet and yoor not da one who hadda clean it up but yoor da one dat gets mad? Anyway, daddy woodent throw the sponjball for me so I decided to just play wif it by myself. Dats when I founded a neet little pen thing dat mom calls a 'flash' and started playing wif dat. Den mom starts yelling and tells dad I broke da flash dat had all da files she wuz gonna migrate to hiz new puter and it's all broken and now it don't work. I don't know what her problem wuz, she just got da little silver box thingy out and did da file stuff on dat so it wuzent a big problum frum my point of vew. So, it's not even 10:00 in da morning and Marva's mad at me, Zippy's mad at me, dad's mad at me and now mom's furry mad at me. So I turned to the only frend I had left, Sadie, who wuz just sitting on da ladder looking at da birdies in da backyard. Only when I got up on da other side of da ladder der wuz a fly buzzing on da window so I tried to catch it and (it's not my fault, reely) da ladder felled over and sent Sadie flying! So now she wuz mad at me too. And to top it all of mom wuz so mad she took da foods away! No food all nite! What mom, oh, she took da food up cuz Sadie wuz suppose to go for a teef cleening but she hided reel good and now she gets to go tomoro insted. Dis morning I haz been a furry good boy. I din't try to steel any kittens and I gess Marva forgifed me cuz she din't whap me when I went in dis morning. Sadie finally came out of hiding and played wif me and dad kissed my hed afore he left dis morning. I don't think mom is mad anymore eether effun tho she has been saying a lot of bad werds. I think she is froos, fras, um, upset wif da puter daddy gotted. She keeps saying dat pc stands fur 'piece of crap' and yelling at it fur not recognizing da new printer effun tho she has put da shiny disc in da drawer a cuppul of times. She looked rite at me and sed dat she can fix dis, she just needs more koffee! So, I'm sitting on her and blogging and I gess da koffee iz helping cuz she stopped saying da bad werds now. But she still won't post a piksher!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh my Speedy! It sure sounds like everything that could go wrong did go wrong! What a day.

I hope your mom can figure out the computer stuff quickly. Computers can really give humans lots of headaches.

Anonymous said...

Speedy, Speedy, Speedy...You had no good aweful day yesterday!

Glad your Mom stopped saying the bad words, and hope you make up with everyone today...


Artsy Catsy said...

Oh, Speedy, you kitnapper you! Bad luck was definitely falling on your silly head yesterday. Sounds like maybe good luck is taking its place today - we hope so!

& everykitty at Artsy Catsy

Pumpkin said...

Uh oh, that wuz NOT a good idear to take Marva's baby wiffowt permishun and she had efurry rite to whap yu fur that. I'z glad efurrywun izn't mad anymore.

Anonymous said...

Speedy, stealing babies is a definite no-no. Although it is very sweet that a tough man cat like you has taken such a liking to the babies. Marva had the right to whap you on the head. Sorry.

But the other stuff was just coincidences. The flash pen thing just looked like fun! You couldn't help your kitty self!

Leona said...

Speedy- you have had a bad day!

Anonymous said...

when a day starts out like that, ya gotta just go back ta bed an try again tomorrow. we're glad things are better today.

Daisy said...

Poor Speedy, when it rains it pours. I am glad you are not in trouble any more.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh Speedster, sounds like you had a very eventful day yesterday. We are glad everybody forgave you. We want to see more picture of the kittens! Just don't move then to take the pictures.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Oh Speedy! What a day! Mom's eyes started leakin along wif laffin when poor Sadie went flyin. Yur day was one dizaster affer anofur.

PS Mom says if there's a sequel to We Are The Kitties, this MUST be in there.

Millie said...

Oh Speedy, your mom said you were being bad yesterday, and she was right. But you made my mom laugh. So that's really good.

The M's said...

wow, sounds like you were just having a horrible streak of bad luck. Glad that one is over.

Rascal said...

Hmmm. Sounds like you're simply misunderstood.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Dude, on days like that you just go hide for 12 hours.

-Orlando Bun

Lux said...

Well, at least *that day's over with, eh? I hope you have a great day tomorrow!

Karen Jo said...

Oh, my, you had a really bad Monday. I'm glad that everything is forgiven now and that things are better.

Forty Paws said...

Wow! U did al dat befor 10? Dat is wun bery buzy mornin. We ist furry prowd of u. Good poodin.

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