Mom wuz furry surprized fur her birfday, she din't effun know dad cood blog! She iz furry proud of him effun if hiz spelling is bad. She did shovel but sed it'z more fun if yoo arent in a hurry to get to werk. Oh, and dad took her out fur dinner to make up fur her haffing to make her own brekfast. She sez thank you fur all da birfday wishes. Anyway, today iz Valentine's Day! Da day to show your love to da werld, here iz my Valentine fur Misty dat I put in Skeezix kontest
Izint she beyootiful! She iz, and effun more beyootiful inside cuz she'z a furry nice gerl kitty! Dats all I haz fur now~Speedy
Guess I'm suppose to say sumthing about love and Rocky and blah, blah, blah...Yes Rocky iz a furry good looking man cat, but, I like to flirt and talk to all kinds of man cats. I reely don't need a "boyfriend" because I've had them in the past and it wuzent all it's cracked up to be. O.K., I wuzent fixed and neither were they and I ended up "in the family way" and then they took off. And Zippy reely likes Fat Eddy and sez he's furry nice to her and Speedy, well he's just all a twitter over Misty and he's trying to be a good boyfrend and man cat and I'll give him credit fur dat. *sigh* I guess love is good, if I could find a man cat that made me feel the way Misty makes Speedy feel it would be alright, maybe, but where iz such a man cat...~Sadie
Hmm, hi Eddy, my prince. I miss you and snuggling with you. That's all I'm going to say, you people are way to nosy!~Zippy
Oh, I almost furgot! Mom took a piksher of Oliver wif his cast off. His furs is even growing back but he's kinda funny about his naked belly. He wouldn't even let mom touch it and that iz not like him. He ushooaly rolls over like a woofie and wants her to rub it but not now. So, here iz our neighbor cat, my friend, dat mom helped save...
Dats hiz kitty condo in da lawndry room he'z sitting on, dat iz da room he excaped frum 'cept now da hole iz plugged up and he kant get out.
Happy Valentine's Day all the Kattonic Cats! Great valentine's all! Tara
Happy Valentine's Day - thanks again for the great party (too bad we missed most of it - but good conversation!)
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! :)
Oliver must be happy to have his cast off. Again, it was wonderful of your mom to rescue him!
happee valentine'z day to u all! cha cha cha!
Happy Valentine's to all of you. Hopefully, Oliver will enjoy tummy rubs again when his fur grows back!
China Cat & Willow
Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
happee valentine's day to all you Kattonic cats!!
Oh, thank you Speedy! You are the most romantic guy.
Oliver looks good and must be recovering from his ordeal very well.
Happy Valentine's Day to all!
Misty E
Happy Valentine's Day. Sadie, the Woman feels kind of like you do today. The Awesome Man gets some demerits today since he didn't even get her a card. Even I snuggled and purred with her. Sheesh! I respect your need to flirt around, I even encourage it!
Hopin efurryone has a great Balentine Days!!
Abby & da gang
Happy Valentines Day!
And we are so glad to see Oliver doing so well!!
Happy Valentine's Day :)
Happy Balentimes day!!!
Happy Valentines Day.
Happy Valentine's Day efurrybody!
Luf, Us
Happy Valentine's Day! and it's so nice ta see Oliver all cute an well an happy lookin'!
Happy Valentine's Day to all. Glad to see that Oliver, a fine looking ginger, is getting better.
As long as the Dad know how to give kitties their breaky-fast, thats what really matters.
Purrs for the Mom and headbutts for the kitties on valentines day
Happy Balentine's Day, you guys! So glad to see that Oliver is gettin better. His tummy will proly be fine once he's growed all the hair back. Men are funny bout bald spots.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Wow, long lost little brother, you've done well for yourself, that Misty is a pretty girl.
Happy Late Valentine's Day! I love the valentine for Misty!
Happy late Valentime's. We hopes yall all hadded a grate one :)
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Hi guys! What a lovely valentine!
We tolded our Mommie about de blogpot when doing a linky and she can't understand what we were talking bout. Can you help us out, beans are just only so smart you know.
Nebber mind, she finally figured it out..like we said, beans.
Thanks for your visit and your words!! I will read you.
Purrrsss from Spain!
Ups! Happy Delayed Valentine Day!
Happy Happy Valentine's Day (a little late) to you all!
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