Get it, like Bond, James Bond, cuz I'm a big man cat like Kismet. I'm only a year old and I weigh 16 pounds. Like the picsher of my dad's finger, hehehe, he's no good with the little camera, he's a big man too. Here's my gotcha story. I was born in a barn on the Wisconsin-Illinois border. The peepel that owned the barn took care of my kitty mom and all us kitties. They decided to keep my mom (she's a beauty) and found homes for us. Well, the man they gave me to couldn't afford to take furry good care of me. I was 8 months old and still had my hoohas and hadn't gotten any shots. So the man gave me to my fureffer momma. Yes, the hoohaectomy and shots were not fun, but, I'm healthier now and I won't be making any more little ones that someone has to find homes for. I'm grey and white, but what you maybe, if you squint and look real hard, can see in the picture is that I have darker stripes in my grey fur and a combination of grey and pink toes. Mom says I'm a furry hansum man cat. She spoils me, well, she actually spoils all of us. We gets stinky goodness in the morning and crunchies all day long. We have a Drinkwell Fountain and more crunchies down in the dungeon. We have a self-cleaning litter upstairs and a super sized litter in the downstairs. The only problem is, mom works lots of hours and effun on weekends sometimes so we don't get as much cuddle time as we'd like. The good news is, she'll effun stop in the middle of doing housework to cuddle us if we ask. Isn't that nice of her
. See Zippy I can be nice. Well, that's all for now. Gotta get mom to stop typing so she can cuddle me. *psst, Speedy, hey did you tell them about you're nickname *no, shut up, mooooom Sadie's bein meen again. Well, since mom is typing for me, she says that I need to tell you what my sisfur calls me. I don't know why, I don't do any of that stuff any more and since I gots bigger my eyes are straighter. Ugh, here goes, Sadie calls me the "cross eyed, poop flinging, sister molesting freakazoid. O.K. there I said it. Hope your happy Sadie, everyone probably thinks I'm some kind of weirdo now. *yes, yes I am happy, freakazoid.